04716oam 2200529 450 991082325610332120230124200903.090-04-45000-910.1163/9789004450004(CKB)4100000011778545(OCoLC)1228030969(nllekb)BRILL9789004450004(MiAaPQ)EBC6498769(EXLCZ)99410000001177854520210817d2021 uy 0engurun| uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediardacarrierDesign-based concept learning in science and technology education /edited by Ineke Henze and Marc J. de VriesLeiden ;Boston :Brill Sense,[2021]©20211 online resourceInternational Technology Education Studies ;Volume 1790-04-44999-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface -- List of Figures and Tables -- Notes on Contributors -- PART 1: Introduction -- 1 Design-Based Concept Learning: An Introduction -- Ineke Henze and Marc J. de Vries -- 2 Design-Based Learning in Science and Technology as Integrated STEM -- Marc J. de Vries -- PART 2: Science Concepts -- 3 The Nature of Matter in a Design-Based Chemistry Task: From Macroscopic Properties to the Microscopic Models of Materials Using the Notion of Activity Theory for Curriculum Design -- Astrid M. W. Bulte, Marijn R. Meijer and Albert Pilot -- 4 Supporting Conceptual Change in Chemistry through Design-Based Learning: The Heating/Cooling System Unit -- Xornam S. Apedoe, Michelle R. Ellefson and Christian D. Schunn -- 5 Design-Based Concept Learning in Physics Education: Electricity -- Dave van Breukelen -- 6 Design-Based Learning in Electronics and Mechatronics: Exploring the Application in Schools -- Yaron Doppelt and Moshe Barak -- 7 Modeling and Concept Learning in Calculus -- Jeroen G. Spandaw.PART 3: Technology/Engineering Concepts -- 8 Design-Based Learning in Engineering Education -- Sonia María Gómez Puente -- 9 Systems in Everyday Lives: Making the Invisible Visible -- Maria Svensson -- 10 Design Based Learning of the Design Brief Concept -- S. de Haan-Topolscak and L. Smits -- 11 Design-Based Biotechnological Learning: Distinct Knowledge Forms Supporting Technology and Science Conceptual Understanding -- John G. Wells -- 12 Analogies in Biomimicry -- Laura Stevens, Helen Kopnina, Karel Mulder and Marc J. de Vries -- PART 4: Methods and Approaches -- 13 A Mind Set Called Design Thinking -- Maarten C. A. van der Sanden and Caroline Wehrmann -- 14 Teachers Noticing Chemical Thinking While Students Plan and Draw Designs -- Hanna Stammes, Ineke Henze, Erik Barendsen and Marc J. de Vries -- 15 Teachers' Reported Practice of Verbal Scaffolding during Design Activities -- Sathyam Sheoratan, Ineke Henze, Erik Barendsen and Marc J. de Vries -- PART 5: Conclusion -- 16 Design-Based Concept Learning: Themes and Possible Futures -- Ineke Henze and Marc J. de Vries -- Index.Learning concepts is a real challenge for learners because of the abstract nature of concepts. This holds particularly true for concepts in science and technology education where learning concepts by doing design activities is potentially a powerful way to overcome that learning barrier. Much depends, however, on the role of the teacher. Design-Based Concept Learning in Science and Technology Education brings together contributions from researchers that have investigated what conditions need to be fulfilled to make design-based education work. The chapters contain studies from a variety of topics and concepts in science and technology education. So far, studies on design-based learning have been published in a variety of journals, but never before were the outcomes of those studies brought together in one volume. Now an overview of insights about design-based concept learning is presented with expectations about future directions and trends.International technology education studies ;Volume 17.Concept learningScienceStudy and teachingTechnologyStudy and teachingConcept learning.ScienceStudy and teaching.TechnologyStudy and teaching.370.1523Henze InekeVries Marc J. deMiAaPQMiAaPQUtOrBLWBOOK9910823256103321Design-based concept learning in science and technology education4108017UNINA