03818nam 2200745 a 450 991082282760332120230802005205.00-8147-2321-70-8147-8951-X10.18574/9780814789513(CKB)2550000000103301(EBL)866216(OCoLC)794663357(SSID)ssj0000676647(PQKBManifestationID)11390015(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000676647(PQKBWorkID)10683431(PQKB)11048685(StDuBDS)EDZ0001326213(MiAaPQ)EBC866216(OCoLC)794671672(MdBmJHUP)muse19816(DE-B1597)548324(DE-B1597)9780814789513(Au-PeEL)EBL866216(CaPaEBR)ebr10565443(EXLCZ)99255000000010330120111104d2012 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmerican arabesque[electronic resource] Arabs, Islam, and the 19th-century imaginary /Jacob Rama BermanNew York New York University Pressc20121 online resource (287 p.)America and the long 19th centuryDescription based upon print version of record.0-8147-4518-0 0-8147-8950-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction: Guest Figures -- The Barbarous Voice of Democracy -- Pentimento Geographies -- Poe's Arabesque -- American Moors and the Barbaresque -- Arab Masquerade : Mahjar Identity Politics and Trans-nationalism -- Afterword: Haunted Houses.American Arabesque examines representations of Arabs, Islam and the Near East in nineteenth-century American culture, arguing that these representations play a significant role in the development of American national identity over the century, revealing largely unexplored exchanges between these two cultural traditions that will alter how we understand them today.Moving from the period of America’s engagement in the Barbary Wars through the Holy Land travel mania in the years of Jacksonian expansion and into the writings of romantics such as Edgar Allan Poe, the book argues that not only were Arabs and Muslims prominently featured in nineteenth-century literature, but that the differences writers established between figures such as Moors, Bedouins, Turks and Orientals provide proof of the transnational scope of domestic racial politics. Drawing on both English and Arabic language sources, Berman contends that the fluidity and instability of the term Arab as it appears in captivity narratives, travel narratives, imaginative literature, and ethnic literature simultaneously instantiate and undermine definitions of the American nation and American citizenship.America and the long 19th century.American literature19th centuryHistory and criticismNational characteristics, American, in literatureIslam in literatureArabsRace identityNational characteristics, AmericanHistory19th centuryArabs in literatureAmerican literatureHistory and criticism.National characteristics, American, in literature.Islam in literature.ArabsRace identity.National characteristics, AmericanHistoryArabs in literature.810.9/3529927Berman Jacob Rama1725192MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910822827603321American arabesque4127914UNINA