02598nam 2200505 450 991082273320332120200520144314.00-9912704-5-2(CKB)3710000000484729(EBL)4009520(MiAaPQ)EBC4009520(Au-PeEL)EBL4009520(CaPaEBR)ebr11171867(OCoLC)945138297(EXLCZ)99371000000048472920160616h20142014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierKnock 'em deadsocial networking for job search &amp professional success /Martin YateAvon, Massachusetts :Adams Media,2014.20141 online resource (256 p.)Includes index.Social networking : the key to a successful future -- Your social network brand. How to live life on your terms ; The foundations of career success ; A professional brand for a lifetime of networking -- Building your social networks. Social networking in job search and career management ; How to create a discoverable social media profile ; LinkedIn ; Google+ ; Facebook ; Twitter ; Professional and alumni networks ; Personal and community networks -- Your social network-integrated job search. First get organized ; Job sites and resume banks ; Direct approach to target companies ; Job fairs -- Leveraging your social networks. The secrets of successful networking conversations ; How to quadruple your interviews ; Initiating marketing conversations with hiring managers ; Social networking and all your tomorrows.Learn how to integrate social networking into every aspect of your job search and then leverage your social media presence for ongoing professional success. Build professionally relevant networks and a desirable, flexible brand that evolves with your growing experience, while you build and nurture networks that help you navigate a long worklife, and gain greater control over your destiny.Job huntingOnline social networksBusiness networksSocial mediaJob hunting.Online social networks.Business networks.Social media.650.140285Yate Martin John869877MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910822733203321Knock 'em deadsocial networking4126518UNINA