02556nam 2200661 a 450 991082262550332120230331010135.01-283-32837-2978661332837390-272-7873-3(CKB)2550000000064198(EBL)799766(OCoLC)769341958(SSID)ssj0000991013(PQKBManifestationID)11553395(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000991013(PQKBWorkID)10994906(PQKB)10222328(MiAaPQ)EBC799766(Au-PeEL)EBL799766(CaPaEBR)ebr10513308(CaONFJC)MIL332837(EXLCZ)99255000000006419819870720d1987 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrApproaches to discourse, poetics and psychiatry[electronic resource] /edited by Iris M. Zavala, Teun A. van Dijk and Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz ; coordinated by Bill Dotson SmithAmsterdam ;Philadelphia J. Benjamins Pub. Co.19871 online resource (246 p.)Critical theory,0920-3060 ;v. 4Description based upon print version of record.1-55619-013-1 90-272-2407-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.pt. 1. Discourse and power -- pt. 2. Approaches to the poetics of the lyric -- pt. 3. Languages and madness : madness in language.A collection of innovative essays representing the most recent developments in poetry as discourse, the discourse of power, and discourse of psychiatry and psychosis. The essays in this volume deal with questions of interpretation of poetry, psychoanalysis, and political theory. All are presented here as appropriate objects of discourse studies which go beyond conventional analysis.Critical theory ;v. 4.PhilologyDiscourse analysisPoeticsPhilology.Discourse analysis.Poetics.401.41Zavala Iris M162758Dijk Teun Adrianus van1943-154359Díaz-Diocaretz Myriam663628Smith Bill Dotson1661475MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910822625503321Approaches to discourse, poetics and psychiatry4017402UNINA