04441nam 2200697 a 450 991082241140332120200520144314.01-281-93664-2978661193664890-474-2276-710.1163/ej.9789004161962.i-305(CKB)1000000000550449(EBL)467851(OCoLC)646788999(SSID)ssj0000233064(PQKBManifestationID)11220570(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000233064(PQKBWorkID)10220298(PQKB)11539964(MiAaPQ)EBC467851(OCoLC)180204849(nllekb)BRILL9789047422761(Au-PeEL)EBL467851(CaPaEBR)ebr10270768(CaONFJC)MIL193664(PPN)170692361(EXLCZ)99100000000055044920071019d2007 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierReading religions in the ancient world[electronic resource] essays presented to Robert McQueen Grant on his 90th birthday /edited by David E. Aune & Robin Darling YoungLeiden ;Boston Brill20071 online resource (303 pages)Supplements to Novum Testamentum,0167-9732 ;v. 125Description based upon print version of record.90-04-16196-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Part One: Classical Studies:Personal religion? /Larry Alderink --Death as life and life as death : revisiting Rohde /James D. Tabor --Credibility and credulity in Plutarch's Life of Numa Pompilius /Hans Dieter Betz --"That unpredictable little beast" : traces of an other Socrates /A.J. Droge --To show the differences by comparison" : the new Wettstein and Cleanthes' Hymn /Johan C. Thom --ISmyrna 753: God and the One God /Leonard L. Thompson --Part Two: New Testament Studies:"The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mark 14:38b and Matt. 26:41b) /David E. Aune --"Every signal worth reading" : Jesus and Jewish sectarians in Mark /Peter Zaas --Divine sons : Aeneas and Jesus in Hebrews /Mark Reasoner --The two thirteens : Romans and Revelation /Graydon F. Snyder --Part Three: Patristic Studies:Notes on divesting and vesting in The Hymn of the Pearl /Robin Darling Young --Origen, Celsus and Lucian on the "dénouement of the drama" of the Gospels /Margaret M. Mitchell --Anti-Nicene preaching in recent literature /O.C. Edwards, Jr. --The emerge of the spiritual reading of the Apocalypse in the third century /Bernard McGinn --Eusebius on Porphyry's "Polytheistic Error" /Robert Lee Williams --A sixth-century plea against religious violence : Romanos on Elijah /I. William Countryman.Astutely reading the writings of early Christianity as part of the lively conversation of the Graeco-Roman world, Robert M. Grant helped reshape the study of the New Testament and early Christianity for scholars in the United States and Europe. Reading Religions in the Ancient World honors his work with sixteen essays by his colleagues and students, arranged under the headings of Classical Studies, New Testament Studies and Patristic Studies. These essays reflect and extend the research interests of the honoree; signal the breadth and depth of Professor Grant’s own scholarly interests and productivity; and contribute to each of these important aspects of religion in the ancient world.Supplements to Novum Testamentum ;v. 125.Church historyPrimitive and early church, ca. 30-600Christian literature, EarlyHistory and criticismChristianity and cultureHistoryEarly church, ca. 30-600Church historyChristian literature, EarlyHistory and criticism.Christianity and cultureHistory23011.51bclGrant Robert M(Robert McQueen),1917-47346Aune David Edward181405Young Robin Darling1638246MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910822411403321Reading religions in the ancient world3980540UNINA