03936nam 22006375 450 991082233420332120230531194836.00-8147-3295-X10.18574/9780814732953(CKB)2670000000358678(EBL)1187368(OCoLC)845255883(SSID)ssj0000873075(PQKBManifestationID)11455384(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000873075(PQKBWorkID)10866083(PQKB)10517757(StDuBDS)EDZ0001325801(MiAaPQ)EBC1187368(OCoLC)867740668(MdBmJHUP)muse27958(DE-B1597)546899(DE-B1597)9780814732953(OCoLC)846606826(EXLCZ)99267000000035867820200608h20132013 fg 0engurnn#---|un|utxtccrMastering the Semi-Structured Interview and Beyond From Research Design to Analysis and Publication /Anne GallettaNew York, NY :New York University Press,[2013]©20131 online resource (260 p.)Qualitative Studies in Psychology ;18Description based upon print version of record.0-8147-3294-1 0-8147-3293-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Front matter --Contents --Foreword --Acknowledgments --Introduction --1. Crafting a Design to Yield a Complete Story --2. The Semi-Structured Interview as a Repertoire of Possibilities --Section II. The Semi-Structured Interview --3. Conducting the Interview --4. Ongoing and Iterative Data Analysis --5. Building Theory --6. Writing Up and Speaking Back to the Literature --Afterword. Loose Threads --Appendix A. Sample Protocol for Student Participants --Appendix B. Past as Present, Present as Past: Historicizing Black Education and Interrogating “Integration” --Notes --References --Index --About the AuthorMastering the Semi-Structured Interview and Beyond offers an in-depth and captivating step-by-step guide to the use of semi-structured interviews in qualitative research. By tracing the life of an actual research project–an exploration of a school district's effort over 40 years to address racial equality–as a consistent example threaded across the volume, Anne Galletta shows in concrete terms how readers can approach the planning and execution of their own new research endeavor, and illuminates unexpected real-life challenges they may confront and how to address them. The volume offers a close look at the inductive nature of qualitative research, the use of researcher reflexivity, and the systematic and iterative steps involved in data collection, analysis, and interpretation. It offers guidance on how to develop an interview protocol, including the arrangement of questions and ways to evoke analytically rich data. Particularly useful for those who may be familiar with qualitative research but have not yet conducted a qualitative study, Mastering the Semi-Structured Interview and Beyond will serve both undergraduate and graduate students as well as more advanced scholars seeking to incorporate this key methodological approach into their repertoire.Qualitative studies in psychology.Qualitative researchMethodologyInterviewingQualitative researchMethodology.Interviewing.001.433Galletta Anneauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut1621420Cross William E72977DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910822334203321Mastering the Semi-Structured Interview and Beyond3954679UNINA