03532oam 22008654 450 991078841420332120230828232643.01-4623-3467-91-4527-8142-71-283-51141-X1-4519-0910-19786613823861(CKB)3360000000443381(EBL)3014329(SSID)ssj0000940738(PQKBManifestationID)11495546(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000940738(PQKBWorkID)10956077(PQKB)11732937(OCoLC)712989244(MiAaPQ)EBC3014329(IMF)WPIEE2006116(EXLCZ)99336000000044338120020129d2006 uf 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEnforcement and the Stability and Growth Pact : How Fiscal Policy Did and Did Not Change Under Europe’s Fiscal Framework /Anthony AnnettWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2006.1 online resource (34 p.)IMF Working Papers"May 2006."1-4518-6376-4 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""I. INTRODUCTION""; ""II. THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF FISCAL FRAMEWORKS""; ""III. DEVELOPMENTS UNDER THE FISCAL FRAMEWORK""; ""IV. EXPLAINING DIVERGENT COUNTRY EXPERIENCES: EMPIRICAL RESULTS""; ""V. CONCLUSION""; ""REFERENCES""The Stability and Growth Pact has been a success in numerous EU countries, especially in guiding them toward underlying fiscal balance ahead of population aging. These countries tend to be smaller, subject to greater macroeconomic volatility, and reliant on a form of fiscal governance that emphasizes targets and contracts. Most of the new members share these characteristics. For the countries less compatible with the Pact, domestic governance reforms that increase the reputational costs for noncompliance can be useful complements to the fiscal framework.IMF Working Papers; Working Paper ;No. 2006/116Fiscal policyEuropean Union countriesEconometric modelsMonetary unionsEuropean Union countriesEconometric modelsMacroeconomicsimfPublic FinanceimfProduction and Operations ManagementimfFiscal PolicyimfMacroeconomics: ProductionimfFiscal policyimfFiscal governanceimfFiscal stanceimfOutput gapimfFiscal rulesimfProductionimfEconomic theoryimfBelgiumimfFiscal policyEconometric models.Monetary unionsEconometric models.MacroeconomicsPublic FinanceProduction and Operations ManagementFiscal PolicyMacroeconomics: ProductionFiscal policyFiscal governanceFiscal stanceOutput gapFiscal rulesProductionEconomic theoryAnnett Anthony1546581International Monetary Fund.European Dept.DcWaIMFBOOK9910788414203321Enforcement and the Stability and Growth Pact3802278UNINA02618nam 2200505 450 991082184130332120200520144314.01-119-51440-11-119-51434-71-119-51439-8(CKB)4340000000261536(Au-PeEL)EBL5325876(CaPaEBR)ebr11532439(CaSebORM)9781119514350(MiAaPQ)EBC5325876(OCoLC)1029200070(EXLCZ)99434000000026153620180410h20172017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierFrequent frauds found in governments and not-for-profits /Lynda Dennis1st editionDurham, North Carolina :Association of International Certified Acoountants, Inc.,2017.©20171 online resource (197 pages)1-119-51435-5 Recognizing fraudulent or deceptive practices is not always easy. What common frauds occur in governments and not-for-profits and how can they be avoided? Illustrating common frauds that make headlines and damage the reputations of government and not-for-profit entities, this title allows accountants to sharpen their forensic skills and uncover and avoid fraudulent activities. It provides an informative case study approach to real world situations. This title will show accountants how to do the following: Determine how interim fraudulent reporting may affect planned reliance on internal controls and any related audit procedures. Identify how personnel policies and procedures can be circumvented and lead to possible fraud or abuse. Apply potential ways to follow up on noted indications of fraud, abuse, and weaknesses in internal control. Determine how management override of internal controls can lead to possible fraud. Analyze how bribes and kickbacks may occur. Identify how donated assets and capital assets in general might be misappropriated.Finance, PublicAuditingGovernment business enterprisesAuditingNonprofit organizationsAuditingFinance, PublicAuditing.Government business enterprisesAuditing.Nonprofit organizationsAuditing.352.4390285574Dennis Lynda1601781MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910821841303321Frequent frauds found in governments and not-for-profits3925536UNINA