02752nam 2200589 450 991082175360332120201023111955.01-4081-3723-21-4081-3724-010.5040/9781408166727(CKB)2670000000370693(EBL)1206933(SSID)ssj0000886770(PQKBManifestationID)12440224(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000886770(PQKBWorkID)10835027(PQKB)11200812(MiAaPQ)EBC1206933(MiAaPQ)EBC6163043(OCoLC)846495399(CaBNVSL)mat08166727(CaBNVSL)9781408166727(EXLCZ)99267000000037069320201023h20202011 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrTen ways of thinking about Samuel Beckett the falsetto of reason /Enoch BraterLondon, England :Methuen Drama,2011.London, England :Bloomsbury Publishing,20201 online resource (208 p.)Diaries, letters and essaysDescription based upon print version of record.1-4081-3722-4 Includes bibliographical references (pages 168-188) and index.Preface Beckett and a Way of Thinking -- 1. Things to Ponder while Waiting for Godot -- 2. From Dada to Didi: Beckett and the Art of His Century -- 3. Beckett's Landscape: What There Is to Recognize -- 4. Beckett's Shades of the Color Gray -- 5. The Seated Figure on Beckett's Stage -- 6. Beckett's Devious Interventions, or Fun with Cube Roots -- 7. Beckett's-What?-Romanticism -- 8. Beckett's Beckett: So Many Words for Silence -- 9. "Traces blurs signs": Where Beckett Meets Ibsen -- 10. Suitcases, Sand and Dry Goods -- Addendum To What?: The No-Thing that Knows No Name and the Empty Envelope Blissfully Reconsidered.In this volume of essays addressing the author's drama, novels, short stories and poetry, renowned Beckett scholar Enoch Brater offers a variety of delightfully original, playful and intriguing studies of Beckett's work. For theatre audiences and Beckett readers it provides a fresh approach to this great writer.Diaries, Letters and Essays10 ways of thinking about Samuel BeckettLiterary studies: from c 1900 -bicsscLiterary studies: from c 1900 -848.91409Brater Enoch457465NCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910821753603321Ten ways of thinking about Samuel Beckett4062183UNINA