04246 am 2200721 n 450 9910131380303321201412242-11-139849-7(CKB)3710000000491139(FrMaCLE)OB-deps-558(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/45116(EXLCZ)99371000000049113920150921j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDiffusion et utilisation des TIC en France et en Europe en 2009 /Valérie DeroinParis Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques20141 online resource (12 p.) Issue de l’enquête européenne « TIC – Technologies de l’information et de la communication », l’exploitation des données pour la France permet de comparer l’équipement informatique et les usages numériques des Français par rapport à leurs voisins européens. Si l’utilisation quotidienne d’un ordinateur et l’accès à l’internet concernent désormais plus d’un Français sur deux, l’âge et le sexe restent des critères discriminants pour l’usage des nouvelles technologies : les hommes y ont plus recours que les femmes, les jeunes plus que leurs aînés. La communication (messagerie) et les loisirs culturels font partie des activités préférées des usagers de l’internet, tandis que le commerce en ligne et les services, notamment bancaires, se développent depuis 2006. Le déploiement des pratiques nomades est encore émergent. Au plan européen, l’écart est net entre les pays du Nord, fortement équipés et familiers des usages numériques, et les pays du Sud, où l’équipement numérique est plus récent. Data from the European “ICT : Information and Communications Technologies” survey provides an opportunity to compare France’s computer equipment ownership and digital activity levels with those of its European neighbours. Although over 50 % of French people make daily use of computers and access the internet, age and sex remain differentiating factors in new technology usage, with men making more use of it than women, and younger people more than older people. Communications (messaging) and cultural leisure activities are amongst internet users’favourite activities, whilst online trading and services, particularly online banking, have been on the increase since 2006. The spread of nomadic practices is still gaining momentum. At European level, there is a marked disparity between northern European countries, with their high levels of computing competence and ownership, and southern Europe where the adoption of computer equipment is more recent.Sociologyconsommation culturelleéquipement culturelnumériquepratiques culturellesTICINSEEcultural expenditurecultural statisticsdigitalICTINSEE (National Institute of statistics and economic studies)cultural participationcultural institutiondigitalcultural statisticsINSEE (National Institute of statistics and economic studies)cultural participationICTcultural institutioncultural expenditureSociologyconsommation culturelleéquipement culturelnumériquepratiques culturellesTICINSEEcultural expenditurecultural statisticsdigitalICTINSEE (National Institute of statistics and economic studies)cultural participationcultural institutionDeroin Valérie1284706FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910131380303321Diffusion et utilisation des TIC en France et en Europe en 20093020103UNINA04369nam 2201021z- 450 991036774120332120231214133610.03-03921-933-2(CKB)4100000010106305(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/40340(EXLCZ)99410000001010630520202102d2019 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAdvances in prevention of foodborne pathogens of public health concern during manufacturing /special issue editors, Aliyar Cyrus Fouladkhah, Bledar BishaMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20191 electronic resource (168 p.)3-03921-932-4 According to a report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), achieving safe and healthier foods was one of the top ten achievements of public health in the 20th century. However, considerable persisting challenges currently exist in developed nations and developing economies for further assuring the safety and security of the food supplies. According to CDC estimates, as many as 3000 American adults, as an example, and based on a recent epidemiological estimate of the World Health Organization, around 420,000 individuals around the globe, lose their lives annually due to foodborne diseases. This emphasizes the need for innovative and emerging interventions, for further prevention or mitigation of the risk of foodborne microbial pathogens during food processing and manufacturing. The current publication discusses recent advancements and progress in the elimination and decontamination of microbial pathogens during various stages of manufacturing and production. Special emphasis is placed on hurdle validation studies, investigating decontamination of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica serovars, various serogroups of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, public health-significant serotypes of Listeria monocytogenes, and pathogenic species of Cronobacter.Food contaminationFoodMicrobiologybacteriastainless steelEscherichia colibiofilm formationbeefpowdered infant formulabile acidsstx-subtypesraw milkShiga toxin-producing Escherichia coliCronobacter sakazakiisynergism of mild heat and pressureraspberryblueberrybiocidal effectivenesssalmonellosisListeria monocytogenessmall fruitsbiosensorsfood borne pathogensgrapepostharvest diseasesmodified atmosphere packaginghigh hydrostatic pressureepithelial barriercarvacroldietary bioactive componentsrapid detectionessential oilsozonstx-genesCronobacter outbreakshabituationplant extractsEscherichia coli (STEC)ozonated waterdisinfectantscaprylic acidfoodborne pathogenstemperaturenatural background microflorapreventive measurescarbon dioxidenitrogenstrawberryhigh-pressure pasteurizationgut microbiotafood safetyShiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC)microfluidic chipfungiblackberryserogroupsinfant care settingnon-ozonated waterFood contamination.FoodMicrobiology.579/.16Bisha BledarFouladkhah Aliyar CyrusBOOK9910367741203321Advances in Prevention of Foodborne Pathogens of Public Health Concern during Manufacturing3021735UNINA