03955nam 2200685 450 991045971730332120210625002812.03-11-039170-83-11-024803-410.1515/9783110248036(CKB)3710000000229366(EBL)894141(SSID)ssj0001402170(PQKBManifestationID)12584075(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001402170(PQKBWorkID)11358253(PQKB)10211609(MiAaPQ)EBC894141(DE-B1597)114006(OCoLC)883287982(OCoLC)903969990(DE-B1597)9783110248036(Au-PeEL)EBL894141(CaPaEBR)ebr11006446(CaONFJC)MIL805006(EXLCZ)99371000000022936620140926h20142014 uy| 0engurnn#---|u||utxtccrThe horizontal effect revolution and the question of sovereignity /Johan van der WaltBerlin :De Gruyter,[2014]©20141 online resource (450 p.)Description based upon print version of record.3-11-214607-7 3-11-024802-6 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Front matter --Preface --Contents --Acknowledgements and Disclaimers --Introduction --Part One: Horizontal Effect --Chapter One: Erased Baselines and Inversed Coordinates: 19th Century Backgrounds of the Horizontality Question --Chapter Two: Twelve Pivotal Cases --Chapter Three: State Action --Chapter Four: Drittwirkung --Part Two: Sovereignty --Chapter Five: Uninterrupted Sovereignty --Chapter Six: Différantial Sovereignty --Chapter Seven: Sovereignty and the Dual Destiny of Lüth in Europe --Chapter Eight: Liberal Democratic Constitutional Review --Bibliography --Abbreviations --Index of Persons --Subject IndexThat the recent turn in European Constitutional Review has effectively brought about a revolution in European law has been observed before. At issue are two major developments in European judicial review. On the one hand, the European Court of Human Rights has been collapsing traditional boundaries between constitutional law and private law with a series of decisions that effectively recognized the "horizontal" effect of Convention rights in the private sphere. On the other hand, the European Court of Justice has also given horizontal effect to fundamental liberties embodied in the Treaty on the Function of the European Union in a number of recent cases in a way that puts "established" boundaries between Member State and Union competences in question. This book takes issue with these developments by bringing to the fore a key issue that the horizontality effect debate has hitherto largely overlooked, namely, the question of sovereignty. It shows with detailed references to especially the American debate on state action and the German debate on Drittwirkung that horizontal effect cannot be understood consistently without coming to grips with the conceptions of state sovereignty that inform different approaches to horizontal effect.Civil rightsEuropeInternational and municipal lawEuropeJudicial reviewEuropeLawEuropeAmerican influencesElectronic books.Civil rightsInternational and municipal lawJudicial reviewLawAmerican influences.341.26Van der Walt Johan Willem Gous1049415MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910459717303321The horizontal effect revolution and the question of sovereignity2478395UNINA04614nam 2200661 450 991082054600332120230808211259.01-938008-59-6(CKB)2670000000309594(EBL)4517475(SSID)ssj0001662391(PQKBManifestationID)16447275(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001662391(PQKBWorkID)14994378(PQKB)10504812(Au-PeEL)EBL4517475(CaPaEBR)ebr11209759(OCoLC)949883092(Au-PeEL)EBL1037282(OCoLC)818816972(MiAaPQ)EBC4517475(EXLCZ)99267000000030959420160518h20162016 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrACL injury everything you need to need to know to make the right treatment decision /Frank Noyes, M.D., Sue Barber-Westin1st ed.Minneapolis, Minnesota :Publish Green,2016.©20161 online resource (104 p.)Description based upon print version of record.Includes bibliographical references.Cover Page; About the Authors; Introduction; Basic Knee Anatomy; What Happens to a Knee When the ACL is Torn?; Choosing an Orthopaedic Surgeon in the U.S.; The Knee Examination: How ACL Tears and Other Problems Are Diagnosed; What is the Difference Between a Partial and a Complete ACL Tear?; How to Treat Partial ACL Tears; Treatment Options for Complete ACL Tears; What Happens if Other Parts of the Knee are Damaged?; What Can Be Done for Chronic (Long-Term) ACL Tears; Loss of Muscle Strength (Atrophy); Loss of Meniscus Tissue; Damage to Articular Cartilage: ArthritisLeg Malalignment (Varus, Valgus)Tears to Other Ligaments in the Knee; Knee Cap Problems; ACL Tears in Children and Teenagers; So You Have Decided to Have Surgery...; Types of ACL Surgery; Autografts; Allografts; Synthetic Grafts, Extra-articular Procedures, Thermal Shrinkage; Single ACL Graft Vs. Double-Bundle ACL Graft; Special Cases: ACL Revision Surgery and Multiple Ligament Surgery; Complications of ACL Surgery; How to Prepare for Your ACL Surgery; Getting Your House Ready; Food and Medications; Practice the Exercises You Will Do After Surgery; Mental Preparation; The Night Before SurgeryThe Day of SurgeryPrevention of Blood Clots in the Legs (Deep Venous Thrombosis); What to Expect and Do the First Week After Surgery; Exercises; Ankle Pumps; Quadriceps Isometrics; Knee Range of Motion; Patellar Mobilization; Straight Leg Raise: Hip Flexion; Straight Leg Raise: Hip Extension; Straight Leg Raise: Hip Abduction; Straight Leg Raise: Hip Adduction; Mini-squats; Wall Sits; Weight Shifting; Hamstrings Stretch; Calf Stretch; Frequently Asked Questions; For Further Information; Acronyms and References; Appendix 1. Surgical Details: Patellar Tendon Autograft HarvestAppendix 2. Surgical Details: Hamstring (STG) Autograft HarvestAppendix 3. Surgical Details: Quadriceps Tendon Autograft Harvest; Appendix 4. Surgical Details: Identification, Placement of ACL Tunnels in Tibia, Femur; Appendix 5. Surgical Details: Graft Passage in Tunnels, Conditioning, FixationAn ACL tear is a common but serious knee injury. The decision of how to treat this injury is not an easy one. It requires understanding the damage in the knee, the treatment options available, and what to expect from these options. Whether you are active in sports or work in a job that requires a strong, stable knee, an ACL tear may have devastating consequences. Two medical professionals have written this eBook to help patients deal with this injury. Dr. Frank Noyes, an internationally renowned orthopaedic surgeon, and Sue Barber-Westin, Director of Clinical Research at the Cincinnati SportsMAnterior cruciate ligamentWounds and injuriesPreventionAnterior cruciate ligamentSports injuriesLigamentsWounds and injuriesAnterior cruciate ligamentWounds and injuriesPrevention.Anterior cruciate ligament.Sports injuries.LigamentsWounds and injuries.617.58044Noyes Frank1617850Barber-Westin SueMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910820546003321ACL injury3949231UNINA