02798oam 2200517 450 991082051840332120190911112724.01-84816-908-6(OCoLC)843871713(MiFhGG)GVRL8RAU(EXLCZ)99267000000036180420130723h20132013 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtccrBeating the odds the life and times of E.A. Milne /Meg Weston Smith ; foreword by Rober PenroseLondon Imperial College Pressc2013London :Imperial College Press,[2013]�20131 online resource (xxvii, 282 pages, 17 unnumbered pages of plates) illustrations, portraitsGale eBooksDescription based upon print version of record.1-84816-907-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Figures; Abbreviations in the Footnotes; Contents; Chapter 1. A Foothold on the Ladder; Chapter 2. The Upheavals of War; Chapter 3. Adventures with Reflections; Chapter 4. The Trials of Trumpets; Chapter 5. Cambridge Rhapsody; Chapter 6. Riding on a Sunbeam; Chapter 7. New Horizons; Chapter 8. A Scientific Wilderness; Chapter 9. Cut and Thrust; Chapter 10. Family versus College; Chapter 11. Cosmic Inspiration; Chapter 12. Oxford's Enlightenment; Chapter 13. The Pendulum and the Atom; Chapter 14. LifelineChapter 15. Mathematics, Bombs and BureaucracyChapter 16. An Invitation; Chapter 17. A Race Unfinished; Epilogue; IndexE A Milne was one of the giants of 20th century astrophysics and cosmology. His bold ideas, underpinned by his Christianity, sparked controversy - he believed two time scales operate in the universe.Struggling against poverty, Milne won five scholarships to Cambridge, but he never finished his degree. In World War I he was invited to develop Horace Darwin's device for anti-aircraft gunnery and after the Armistice his prowess in ballistics took him straight to a Fellowship at Trinity College, Cambridge. By the age of thirty he was a Manchester professor and a Fellow of the Royal Society. At OxfAstrophysicistsGreat BritainBiographyAstrophysicsCosmologyReligion and scienceAstrophysicistsAstrophysics.Cosmology.Religion and science.523.01092Smith Meg Weston1636488Penrose RogerMiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910820518403321Beating the odds3977798UNINA02290oam 2200601 c 450 991056303250332120240525094506.010.3726/b12516(CKB)4340000000238735(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/28092(PH02)9783954791262(EXLCZ)99434000000023873520240525d1983 uy 0gerurnnunnnannuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDas lyrische Werk Antoni LangesUntersuchungen zur Dichtungssprache eines "jungpolnischen" AutorsHans-Peter Hoelscher-Obermaier1st, New ed.Frankfurt a.MPH0219831 online resource (127 p.), EPDFSlavistische Beiträge174Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften3-95479-126-9 Einleitung - Gestaltungen des lyrischen Monologs - Versbau - Schlüsselwörter - Literarische Bezugnahmen - SchlußAnton Lange (1861-1929) gehörte zu den interessanteren Persönlichkeiten in der Lyrikerplejade des polnischen Modernismus, wie T.Weiss aus dem zeitlichen Abstand von nunmehr fast einem Jahrhundert feststellt. Er war ein ungewöhnlich vielseitiges Talent, ein fast renaissancehaftes Geistesphanomen. Die Richtigkeit dieser Urteile zu untermauern, soll - quasi en passant - eines der Anliegen dieser Arbeit sein.Lyrische Werk Antoni Langes Literature & literary studiesbicsscAntoniAutorsDichtungsspracheeinesHoelscherjungpolnischenLangesLinguistikLiteraturwissenschaftlyrischeMonologObermaierPhilologiePolenUntersuchungenWerkLiterature & literary studiesHoelscher-Obermaier Hans-Peteraut1291808PH02PH02BOOK9910563032503321Das lyrische Werk Antoni Langes3022400UNINA