04295nam 2200649Ka 450 991082021350332120101115152719.01-280-77152-697866136822911-84855-883-X(CKB)1000000000799401(EBL)471097(OCoLC)781258213(SSID)ssj0000333943(PQKBManifestationID)12064033(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000333943(PQKBWorkID)10378297(PQKB)10426631(MiAaPQ)EBC471097(Au-PeEL)EBL471097(CaPaEBR)ebr10333681(CaONFJC)MIL368229(UtOrBLW)bslw06295754(EXLCZ)99100000000079940120101115d2009 uy 0engurun|||||||||txtccrAdvances in accounting educationVol. 10[electronic resource] /edited by Bill N. Schwartz, Anthony H. CatanachBingley, UK Emerald20091 online resource (276 p.)Advances in accounting education,1085-4622Helps meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. This title includes articles that emphasize pedagogy that is explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs.1-84855-882-1 Earnings management and corporate social responsibility : an in-class exercise to illustrate the short-term and long-term consequences / Carol M. Fischer, Michael J. Fischer -- Factors affecting initial placement of accounting Ph.Ds / William W. Stammerjohan, Deborah L. Seifert, Ronald P. Guidry -- Students' ethical and professional perceptions of earnings management / Daryl M. Guffey, D. David McIntyre, Jeffrey J. McMillan -- Accounting certificate programs : serving the needs of students while benefiting your university and accounting department / Janet A. Samuels, D. Jordan Lowe, Catherine A. Finger -- Accounting department chairs' perceptions of the importance of communication skills -- Jacqueline J. Schmidt, Brian Patrick Green, Roland Madison -- The influence of motivation on cheating behavior among accounting majors / Kenneth J. Smith, Jeanette A. Davy, Donald L. Rosenberg -- Introductory accounting : principles or financial? / Robert L. Braun, Pierre L. Titard -- Business-student partnership : linking accounting information systems, internal control, and auditing / Claire Kamm Latham -- Establishing an eMentor program : Increasing the interaction between accounting majors and professionals / Nancy L. Wilburn, T.S. Amer, Bob G. Kilpatrick -- Using service-learning in graduate auditing courses : a standards-based framework / Angela M. Woodland -- Instilling student responsibility with team contracts and peer evaluations / B. Douglas Clinton, Pamela A. Smith.Advances in Accounting Education is a referenced, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction. We publish thoughtful, well-developed articles that are readable, relevant and reliable. Articles may be either empirical or non-empirical. They emphasize pedagogy i.e. explaining how faculty members can improve their teaching methods or how accounting units can improve their curricula/programs.Business & EconomicsAccountingGeneralbisacshEducationTeaching Methods & MaterialsGeneralbisacshAccountingbicsscTeaching of a specific subjectbicsscAccountingStudy and teachingBusiness & EconomicsAccountingGeneral.EducationTeaching Methods & MaterialsGeneral.Accounting.Teaching of a specific subject.AccountingStudy and teaching.657.0711Schwartz Bill N115249Catanach Anthony H1645083UtOrBLWUtOrBLWBOOK9910820213503321Advances in accounting education3991333UNINA