02178oam 22005291 450 991082005350332120220705065312.00-19-186443-90-19-152488-3(CKB)3230000000204403(EBL)431380(SSID)ssj0001142440(PQKBManifestationID)12471723(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001142440(PQKBWorkID)11097441(PQKB)23503259(StDuBDS)EDZ0001838821(MiAaPQ)EBC431380(PPN)236593307(EXLCZ)99323000000020440320151123d2007|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAristophanis Fabvlae I[Oxford] :Oxford University Press,2018.1 online resource (438 pages)Oxford Classical TextsDescription based upon print version of record.0-19-872180-3 ARISTOPHANIS FABVLAE; PREFACEA new edition of Aristophanes, replacing the previous OCT (1900-1). It incorporates a better picture of the transmission of the text from antiquity, and more accurate reports of manuscript readings. - ;This new edition of Aristophanes is intended to replace the previous Oxford Classical Text published in 1900-1. Since that date it has been possible to construct a far better picture of the transmission of the text from antiquity to the age of printing and to obtain reliable reports of other significant manuscripts. While some of the new information has been taken into account for recent commentOxford Classical TextsLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCGreek & Latin Languages & LiteraturesHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesGreek & Latin Languages & Literatures882.01Wilson N. G.(Nigel Guy),1242939AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeEL9910820053503321Aristophanis Fabvlae I4055391UNINA