03545nam 2200673z- 450 991056647780332120231214133509.0(CKB)5680000000037602(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/81143(EXLCZ)99568000000003760220202205d2022 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierRecent Advances in Thermoelectric Materials for High Efficiency Energy Conversion and RefrigerationBaselMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20221 electronic resource (100 p.)3-0365-3503-9 3-0365-3504-7 Thermoelectricity is a well-known phenomenon that enables the conversion of heat into electric energy without moving parts. Its exploitation has been widely considered to contribute to the increasing need for energy along with the concerns about the environmental impact of traditional fossil energy sources. In the last few years, significant improvements in the performance of thermoelectric materials have been achieved through chemical doping, solid solution formation, and nanoengineering approaches. Furthermore, the feasibility of flexible, stretchable, and conformable thermoelectric harvesters has been demonstrated and has attracted the interest of an audience from many different fields. However, the path for practical applications of thermoelectrics is still a long one. This Special Issue of Materials intends to bridge the gap between materials science and applications of thermoelectric materials. Many topics are welcome: new thermoelectric compounds; the correlation between material structure and thermoelectric properties; bulk thermoelectric ceramics, oxides, and chalcogenides; bulk thermoelectric alloys and intermetallics; organic and polymeric thermoelectrics; thermoelectric thin films, multilayers, and nanocomposites; theory and modeling; thermal transport and thermal conductivity; applications and devices based on thermoelectric materials; standardization and metrology; and more.Technology: general issuesbicsscHistory of engineering & technologybicsscMaterials sciencebicsscthermoelectricityskutteruditescrystal structurepowder x-ray diffractionthermal conductivitycalcium cobaltiteTE performanceelectrical propertiescompositeredox tuningthermoelectric materialsjoiningskutterudite alloyCo-Mo metallization layerSeebeck coefficientthin filmoxidescopper tin sulfideCu2SnS3CTSthermal stabilitychalcogenidematerial productionporosityporous thermoelectric materialsTechnology: general issuesHistory of engineering & technologyMaterials scienceMele Paoloedt1277815Mele PaoloothBOOK9910566477803321Recent Advances in Thermoelectric Materials for High Efficiency Energy Conversion and Refrigeration3012097UNINA03948nam 2200541 450 991081981970332120230814221617.03-11-049767-010.1515/9783110498219(CKB)4100000001502355(MiAaPQ)EBC5156092(DE-B1597)470470(OCoLC)1020025694(DE-B1597)9783110498219(Au-PeEL)EBL5156092(CaPaEBR)ebr11497554(EXLCZ)99410000000150235520180207h20182018 uy 0gerurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierDimensionen des Erhabenen bei Adalbert Stifter /Elisabeth HägeBerlin, [Germany] ;Boston, [Massachusetts] :De Gruyter,2018.©20181 online resource (576 pages)Studien zur deutschen Literatur,0081-7236 ;Band 2143-11-049670-4 3-11-049821-9 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter -- Danksagung -- Inhalt -- Siglen -- Einleitung -- I. Das Erhabene - eine Denkfigur aus den Naturwissenschaften -- 1. Das Erhabene im naturwissenschaftlichen Diskurs -- 2. Die Kategorie des Erhabenen in Stifters naturwissenschaftlicher Bildung -- II. Dimensionen des Erhabenen im literarischen Text -- 1. Naturtopoi des Erhabenen -- 2. Stifters Natur- und Landschaftsbeschreibungen: erhabene Monotonie -- 3. Das Erhabene als ,gemischtes Gefühl' -- 4. Stifters Variationen des Erhabenen - eine Hinführung -- III. Formen und Funktionen des Erhabenen in Stifters Prosa -- 1. Das Erhabene in Stifters ,leeren' Räumen -- 2. Erhabene Hässlichkeit - Brigitta -- 3. Das Komische im Erhabenen - Nachkommenschaften -- 4. Das Erhabene in der Musik - Zwei Schwestern -- 5. Ästhetisierung des Wahrscheinlichen - das Erhabene in Abdias -- 6. Das Erhabene und die Geologie - Der Nachsommer -- 7. Selbstverlust in der Erinnerung - Die Narrenburg -- Schlussbetrachtung -- Literatur -- PersonenregisterDie Idee des Erhabenen in Adalbert Stifters Prosa wurde gelegentlich thematisiert, ohne dass ihr bislang eine systematische Untersuchung zuteil geworden wäre. Die Studie schließt diese Lücke mit einem zweifachen Neuansatz: Erstens beschreibt sie Stifters Rezeption der Idee über populärwissenschaftliche Texte des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts, da eine direkte Aneignung über philosophische Ausführungen nicht zu beweisen ist. Zweitens erfasst sie die Idee des Erhabenen u.a. über Naturtopoi, die Verbindung von Erhabenheit und Einfachheit und die Definition als ,gemischtes Gefühl' analytisch als Textphänomen. Entsprechend zeugen Stifters Texte nicht nur von einer Verarbeitung des Erhabenen, sondern bieten mannigfaltige Variationen, die weit über die philosophischen Grundlagen hinausgehen und deshalb in der Analyse vielfältige Interpretationsmöglichkeiten eröffnen: Neben Naturgegenständen scheint die Idee des Erhabenen entgegen der meisten philosophischen Theorien auch an Gegenständen wie der Musik oder der Erinnerung auf. Den Theorien entsprechend ist das Erhabene meist als Gefühl an ein erlebendes Subjekt gebunden, die Studie arbeitet es aber auch als ästhetisches Argumentationsprinzip jenseits einer figürlichen Perspektive heraus.Studien zur deutschen Literatur ;Band 214.Sublime, The, in literatureAdalbert Stifter.the sublime in literature.Sublime, The, in literature.833.7GL 9346rvkHäge Elisabeth1984-1684296MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910819819703321Dimensionen des Erhabenen bei Adalbert Stifter4055714UNINA05396nam 22007455 450 991030022570332120200705003302.088-470-5687-X10.1007/978-88-470-5687-9(CKB)3710000000306341(EBL)1966305(SSID)ssj0001386457(PQKBManifestationID)11716154(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001386457(PQKBWorkID)11368933(PQKB)11259788(DE-He213)978-88-470-5687-9(MiAaPQ)EBC1966305(PPN)183087054(EXLCZ)99371000000030634120141126d2015 u| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEndovascular Neurosurgery Through Clinical Cases /by Aristotelis P. Mitsos1st ed. 2015.Milano :Springer Milan :Imprint: Springer,2015.1 online resource (190 p.)Description based upon print version of record.88-470-5686-1 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters.Embryology of the Central Nervous System Vascular Network -- Embryological Development of CNS – Τhe Basic Features -- Embryology of the Cranial Arterial System -- Embryology of the Cranial Venous System -- Anatomy of the Central Nervous System Vascular Network -- The Cranial Arterial System -- The Cranial Venous System -- Aneurysms of the Anterior Brain Circulation -- Sidewall Aneurysms -- Bifurcation Aneurysms -- Anterior Communicating Aneurysms Middle Cerebral Aneurysms -- Aneurysms of the Posterior Brain Circulation -- Sidewall Aneurysms -- Bifurcation Aneurysms -- Brain Arteriovenous Malformations -- Brain Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas -- Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas -- Intracranial Arterial Stenosis -- Spinal Vascular Malformations -- Organization Of The Neuroendovascular Services.Endovascular neurosurgery is a recently introduced but rapidly evolving medical field, which uses minimally invasive interventions to treat major life-threatening vascular lesions of the Central Nervous System. Although its history counts less than 15 years of worldwide acceptance, it has rapidly displaced the traditional open neurosurgical techniques, being nowadays the first treatment choice for brain aneurysms and vascular malformations. Thus, the experience of each neuroendovascular center and performer is invaluable, offering the base for learning and teaching the new generation of interventionalists as well as for the evolvement of the method itself. This book presents the basic principles of endovascular neurosurgery starting from clinical cases. Through this close-to-clinical-reality-process, the reader will be able to more thoroughly understand the pathophysiology of the brain and spine vascular lesions as well as the decision-making strategy, related to the indications, endovascular methods and results, finding suggestions and solutions to his/her clinical questions and problems. Besides chapters devoted to CNS vascular embryology and anatomy, clinical cases organized in groups based on the treated lesions are introduced: ruptured and unruptured cerebral aneurysms of the anterior and posterior circulation, side-wall and bifurcation aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVM), dural arteriovenous fistulae (dAVF), arterial stenosis and angioplasty as well as spinal vascular lesions. A separate chapter is devoted to the organization and necessary equipment of the angio room and the department offering neuroendovascular service. This volume will be of interest to neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiologists, vascular surgeons, neurologists and ICU physicians as well as health care providers who are involved in the diagnosis and management of the vascular lesions of the brain and spine.Interventional radiology NeuroradiologyMinimally invasive surgeryVascular surgeryOtolaryngologic surgeryInterventional Radiologyhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/H29021Neuroradiologyhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/H2903XMinimally Invasive Surgeryhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/H59052Vascular Surgeryhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/H59133Head and Neck Surgeryhttps://scigraph.springernature.com/ontologies/product-market-codes/H46015Interventional radiology .Neuroradiology.Minimally invasive surgery.Vascular surgery.Otolaryngologic surgery.Interventional Radiology.Neuroradiology.Minimally Invasive Surgery.Vascular Surgery.Head and Neck Surgery.610616.0757617.05617.5617413Mitsos Aristotelis Pauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut789687BOOK9910300225703321Endovascular Neurosurgery Through Clinical Cases1761832UNINA