03461nam 2200577 450 991081970780332120230725033717.03-03813-533-X(CKB)2670000000230080(EBL)1872616(SSID)ssj0000906048(PQKBManifestationID)11506513(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000906048(PQKBWorkID)10930556(PQKB)10149506(MiAaPQ)EBC1872616(Au-PeEL)EBL1872616(CaPaEBR)ebr10817910(OCoLC)897640890(EXLCZ)99267000000023008020111205h20112011 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAdvances in structures analysis special topic volume with invited peer reviewed papers only /edited by Moussa KaramaDurnten-Zurich :TTP, Trans Tech Publications,[2011]©20111 online resource (105 p.)Applied mechanics and materials,1660-9336 ;volume 61Description based upon print version of record.3-03785-159-7 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Advances in Structures Analysis; Preface; Table of Contents; Towards an Expert System that Aids in the Diagnosis of Concrete Structures; A FEM Model to Analyze the Structural Mechanical Problem in an Electrostatically Controlled Prestressed Micro-Mirror; Optimization by the Reliability of the Damage by Tiredness of a Wire Rope of Lifting; Thermal Buckling of Simply Supported FGM Square Plates; Analytical and Finite Element Analysis for Short Term O-Ring Relaxation; A New Methodology for an Optimal Shape DesignA Multi-Scale Analysis of Materials Reinforced by Inclusions Randomly Oriented in the Ply PlaneExperimental Study of the Short-Term Creep Behavior of CFRP Strengthened Mortar under Compressive Loading; Contribution of AFM Observations to the Understanding of Ni3Al Yield Stress Anomaly; The Non Destructive Testing Methods Applied to Detect Cracks in the Hot Section of a Turbojet; Simulation of Thermo Mechanical Behavior of Structures by the Numerical Resolution of Direct Problem; Low Temperature Sintering and Characterization of MgTiO3; Keywords Index; Authors IndexVarious research topics fall under the rubric of Structure: e.g. material damage leading to crack growth and/or fatigue of structures under dynamic loading or impact, durability and reliability of structures, numerical simulation and experimental work involving large deformations and impact associated with various experimental techniques. With regard to experimental studies, many non-destructive tests have been developed during recent years in order to deliver more accurate data. Therefore, papers dealing with the processing, characterization and physical properties determination of materialsApplied mechanics and materials ;v. 61.Structural analysis (Engineering)CongressesMaterialsCongressesStructural analysis (Engineering)Materials620.11Karama Moussa1603508MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910819707803321Advances in structures analysis3974536UNINA