04997nam 2200733 a 450 991081937350332120240418024415.01-283-89376-20-8122-0854-410.9783/9780812208542(CKB)2550000000707646(OCoLC)847550266(CaPaEBR)ebrary10642143(SSID)ssj0000811836(PQKBManifestationID)11458920(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000811836(PQKBWorkID)10870012(PQKB)10398174(DE-B1597)449577(OCoLC)979834208(DE-B1597)9780812208542(Au-PeEL)EBL3441808(CaPaEBR)ebr10642143(CaONFJC)MIL420626(OCoLC)932312692(MiAaPQ)EBC3441808(EXLCZ)99255000000070764620130111d2001 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrMedieval law[electronic resource] lawyers and their work /translated by Samuel Parsons Scott ; edited by Robert I. Burns1st ed.Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press20011 online resource (394 p.) The Middle Ages seriesLas siete partidas ;v. 3Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8122-1740-3 Includes bibliographical references. Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- Introduction to the Third Partida -- Partida III: Analytical Table of Contents -- THIRD PARTIDA: PROCEDURE AND PROPERTY -- Title I: Justice -- Title II: Plaintiff (demandante) -- Title III: Defendant (Demandado) -- Title IV: Judges -- Title V: Attorneys in Fact -- Title VI: Advocates (Abogados) -- Title VII: The Summons -- Title VIII: Judicial Award of Possession -- Title IX: Sequestration -- Title X: Commencement of Actions -- Title XI: Oaths of Parties -- Title XII: Examination of Parties After Action Begun -- Title XIII: Admissions -- Title XIV: Proof and Presumptions -- Title XV: Time for Taking Proof -- Title XVI: Witnesses -- Title XVII: Official Investigators -- Title XVIII: Documentary Evidence -- Title XIX: Notaries -- Title XX: Seals and Authentication -- Title XXI: Assessors -- Title XXII: Judgments -- Title XXIII: Appeals -- Title XXIV: Clemency -- Title XXV: Restitutio In Integrum -- Title XXVI: Vacation of Judgments on Special Grounds -- Title XXVII: Execution of Judgments -- Title XXVIII: Ownership -- Title XXIX: Prescription -- Title XXX: Possession -- Title XXXI: Servitudes -- Title XXXII: BuildingsLas Siete Partidas, or Seven Divisions, is the major law code of thirteenth-century Spain, compiled by Alfonso X the Learned of Castile. Seven centuries later, this compendium of legal and customary information remains the foundation of modern Spanish law. In addition, its influence is notable in the law of Spain's former colonies, including Texas, California, and Louisiana. The work's extraordinary scope offers unparalleled insight into the social, intellectual, and cultural history of medieval Spain. Built on the armature of a law code, it is in effect an encyclopedia of medieval life.Long out of print, the English translation of Las Siete Partidas-first commissioned in 1931 by the American Bar Association-returns in a superior new edition. Editor and distinguished medieval historian Robert I. Burns, S.J., provides critical historical material in a new general Introduction and extensive introductions to each Partida. Jerry Craddock of the University of California, Berkeley, provides updated bibliographical notes, and Joseph O'Callaghan of Fordham University contributes a section on law in Alfonso's time.Las Siete Partidas is presented in five volumes, each available separately:The Medieval Church, Volume 1: The World of Clerics and Laymen (Partida I)Medieval Government, Volume 2: The World of Kings and Warriors (Partida II)The Medieval World of Law, Volume 3: Lawyers and Their Work (Partida III)Family, Commerce, and the Sea, Volume 4: The Worlds of Women and Merchants (Partidas IV and V)Underworlds, Volume 5: The Dead, the Criminal, and the Marginalized (Partidas VI and VII)Middle Ages series.LawSpainSourcesLaw, MedievalHistory.Human Rights.Law.Medieval and Renaissance Studies.LawLaw, Medieval.340.550946Burns Robert I156028AlfonsoKing of Castile and Leon,1221-1284.1593363Scott Samuel Parsons1593360MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910819373503321Medieval law4099556UNINA