02669nam 2200601 450 991046483690332120200520144314.01-4438-5737-8(CKB)3710000000093668(EBL)1656439(SSID)ssj0001211474(PQKBManifestationID)11712595(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001211474(PQKBWorkID)11202761(PQKB)11581219(MiAaPQ)EBC1656439(Au-PeEL)EBL1656439(CaPaEBR)ebr10850083(CaONFJC)MIL830877(OCoLC)875097187(EXLCZ)99371000000009366820140331h20132013 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrBattle and bloodshed the Medieval world at war /edited by Lorna Bleach and Keira BorrillNewcastle upon Tyne, [England] :Cambridge Scholars Publishing,2013.©20131 online resource (266 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-4438-4609-0 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.CONTENTS; PREFACE; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; INTRODUCTION; Part I; CHAPTER ONE; CHAPTER TWO; CHAPTER THREE; Part II; CHAPTER FOUR; CHAPTER FIVE; Part III; CHAPTER SIX; CHAPTER SEVEN; CHAPTER EIGHT; Part IV; CHAPTER NINE; CHAPTER TEN; CHAPTER ELEVEN; Part V; CHAPTER TWELVE; CHAPTER THIRTEEN; INDEXThis collection of articles is the result of an interdisciplinary Medieval Studies conference held at the University of Sheffield in 2009. Brutality and aggression were a stark reality of everyday life in the Middle Ages; from individual rebellions through family feuds to epic wars, a history of medieval warfare could easily be read as a history of medieval violence. This volume goes beyond such an analysis by illustrating just how pervasive the nature of war could be, influencing not only me...Military history, MedievalMilitary art and scienceHistoryMedieval, 500-1500Literature, MedievalHistory and criticismElectronic books.Military history, Medieval.Military art and scienceHistoryLiterature, MedievalHistory and criticism.355.00940902Bleach LornaBorrill KeiraMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910464836903321Battle and bloodshed2242048UNINA05664nam 2200709 450 991081907300332120200520144314.00-12-409543-7(CKB)3710000000269922(EBL)1826801(SSID)ssj0001367281(PQKBManifestationID)12516189(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001367281(PQKBWorkID)11428107(PQKB)11485491(Au-PeEL)EBL1826801(CaPaEBR)ebr10958519(CaONFJC)MIL785175(OCoLC)894171658(CaSebORM)9780124104914(MiAaPQ)EBC1826801(PPN)189503165(EXLCZ)99371000000026992220141106h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEnergy storage for smart grids planning and operation for renewable and variable energy resources (VERs) /edited by Pengwei Du, Ning Lu ; contributors, Hossein Akhavan-Hejazi [and twenty-six others]First edition.London, [England] :Academic Press,2015.©20151 online resource (346 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-12-410491-6 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Front Cover; Energy Storage for Smart Grids: Planning and Operation for Renewable and Variable Energy Resources (VERs); Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Preface; Chapter 1: Energy Storage for Mitigating the Variability of Renewable Electricity Sources; 1. Introduction; 2. An Overview of Variable Renewable Electricity Sources; 3. Electric Energy-Storage Applications and Technologies; 3.1. Pumped Hydro Storage; 3.2. Compressed to Air Energy Storage; 3.3. Batteries; 3.3.1. Lead-Acid Batteries; 3.3.2. Nickel-Cadmium Batteries; 3.3.3. Sodium-Sulphur Batteries; 3.3.4. Lithium-ion batteries3.3.5. Zinc-Bromine Batteries3.3.6. Vanadium Redox Batteries; 3.4. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage; 3.5. Hydrogen Storage; 3.6. Flywheels; 3.7. Capacitors and Supercapacitors; 4. Discussion; 4.1. Managing VRES variability using EES; 4.1.1. Power Quality; 4.1.2. Regulation; 4.1.3. Load following; 4.1.4. Unit commitment; 4.1.5. Seasonal storage; 4.2. Managing the Distributed Nature of VRES; 4.3. EES Development Potential; 5. Conclusion; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 2: Assessment of Revenue Potentials of Ancillary Service Provision by Flexible Unit Portfolios1. Introduction and Literature Review2. Aggregators in Electricity Markets; 2.1. The Role of Aggregators; 2.2. Distribution-Grid Constraints; 2.3. Unit-Monitoring Challenges; 3. Modeling of Revenue Potential; 3.1. Regulatory Basis for Revenue Calculation; 3.2. Net-Operating Profit; 4. Simulation Study; 4.1. Simulation Scenarios; 4.2. Numerical Results; Primary Control with Portfolio A; Primary Control with Portfolio B; Secondary Control with Portfolio A; Secondary Control with Portfolio B; 5. Profit-Sharing Methodology; 5.1. Business Value Model; 5.2. Actors and Activities; 5.3. Exchanges5.4. Cash-Flow Consolidation5.5. Application Example; 6. Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3: Potential of Sodium-Sulfur Battery Energy Storage to Enable Further Integration of Wind; 1. Introduction; 2. Energy storage as an alternative; 2.1. Energy storage in electricity markets; 3. Sodium-Sulfur battery energy storage; 3.1. Principle; 3.2. Target applications and existing installations; 3.3. The Sodium-Sulfur battery at Luverne, Minnesota; 3.3.1. Emulation of different storage-to-wind ratios; 4. Generation shifting; 4.1. Charging/discharging simulation4.1.1. Charging/discharging intervals4.1.2. Effect of storage-to-wind ratio on the battery SOC; 4.2. Analysis of the value added by storage; 4.2.1. Procedure; 4.2.2. Results; 4.2.3. Discussion on an optimal storage-to-wind ratio; 5. Ramp-rate limiting; 5.1. Low-pass filter to limit ramp rate; 5.2. Field results and extended simulation; 5.3. Simulation results; 6. Integrating generation shifting and ramp-rate limiting; 7. Concluding remarks; Acknowledgments; References; Chapter 4: Application of Energy Storage for Fast Regulation Service in Energy Market; 1. Introduction2. Overview of Secondary Regulation ControlEnergy storage is a main component of any holistic consideration of smart grids, particularly when incorporating power derived from variable, distributed and renewable energy resources. Energy Storage for Smart Grids delves into detailed coverage of the entire spectrum of available and emerging storage technologies, presented in the context of economic and practical considerations. Featuring the latest research findings from the world's foremost energy storage experts, complete with data analysis, field tests, and simulation results, this book helps device manufacturers develop robust busiElsevier ScienceDirect ebooks.Safari tech books online.Smart power gridsEnergy storageSmart power grids.Energy storage.621.31/26Du Pengwei1975-1243091Du Pengwei1975-Lu Ning1972 February-Akhavan-Hejazi HosseinMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910819073003321Energy storage for smart grids3999468UNINA