01006oam 2200277z- 450 991016030100332120141205081619.01-60908-782-8(CKB)3710000001025793(EXLCZ)99371000000102579320210505c2011uuuu -u- -engBlackberry crumble a culinary mystery /Josi S. KilpackShadow MountainWhen Sadie Hoffmiller is hired by May Sanderson to investigate the death of her father, Sadie travels to Oregon and uncovers a complicated plot of greed, shady business dealings, and more than one member of the Sanderson clan with a motive for murder.CooksFictionMurderInvestigationFictionMystery fiction.gsafdCooksMurderInvestigation813/.54Kilpack Josi S.1236024BOOK9910160301003321Blackberry crumble2874321UNINA