01167nam2-2200385---450 991015925610332120230109093227.0978-88-901478-4-920170127d2016----km-y0itay50------baitaITaf------001yy<<10.: >>PosillipoItalo FerraroNapoliEdizioni Oikos2016728 p.in gran parte ill.31 cm0010007406942001Napoli : atlante della città storica10ArchitetturaNapoli720.94573122itaFerraro,Italo<1941- >10739ITUNINARICAUNIMARCBK9910159256103321SEZ.NA C 802/14433/2016FARBCSEZ.NA C 802/14 BIS434/2016FARBCSEZ.NA C 802/14 TER435/2016FARBC03.1485283DARST720.9457 ACS 1 (1)FLFBC720.9457 ACS 1 (1) BISBibl 2019FLFBCXXX COD. 1038 (10)1915/2022FSPBCFSPBCFARBCDARSTFLFBCPosillipo1469133UNINA02886 am 2200493 n 450 99102957483033212018071284-9096-117-4(CKB)4100000007181382(FrMaCLE)OB-cvz-4412(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/41822(PPN)233323015(EXLCZ)99410000000718138220181203j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBarcelone et le grand commerce d'Orient au Moyen Âge Un siècle de relations avec l'Égypte et la Syrie-Palestine (ca. 1330 - ca. 1430) /Damien CoulonMadrid Casa de Velázquez20181 online resource (XII-933 p.) 84-95555-63-8 Aux XIVe et XVe siècles, les échelles du Levant attiraient de nombreux commerçants occidentaux qui venaient y acheter les précieuses épices venues d'Asie. Parmi ces marchands, les historiens ont jusqu'à présent plutôt négligé un groupe original, celui des Barcelonais, que le présent ouvrage étudie à la lumière d'une documentation abondante et largement inédite. Avec l'appui de leur souverain et des édiles de la capitale catalane, ces négociants se dotèrent d'une flotte nombreuse qui leur permit d'établir de fructueuses relations d'import-export avec le sultanat mamelouk d'Égypte et de Syrie. Ils connurent souvent une remarquable ascension sociale qui stimulait leur appétit de pouvoir au sein de la cité et provoqua donc d'inévitables conflits avec les membres de l'oligarchie municipale. En définitive, malgré la concurrence directe de Venise et de Gênes, ses puissantes rivales, Barcelone s'affirma comme un pôle de première importance dans l'expansion commerciale européenne qui se déploya alors à travers la Méditerranée et dont le dynamisme remet en question l'idée répandue d'une conjoncture économique profondément et durablement déprimée pendant l' « automne du Moyen Âge ».Merchant marineSpainBarcelonaHistoryTo 1500MerchantsSpainBarcelonaHistoryTo 1500Barcelona (Spain)CommerceMiddle EastHistoryTo 1500Middle EastCommerceSpainBarcelonaHistoryTo 1500relations internationalesBarceloneXIVème siècleMoyen-âgeépicesEspagnecommerceProche-OrientMerchant marineHistoryMerchantsHistoryCoulon Damien1238760FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910295748303321Barcelone et le grand commerce d'orient au moyen âge2874736UNINA03498nam 2200493 450 991081782700332120201116171647.090-04-43443-710.1163/9789004434431(CKB)4100000011044549(OCoLC)1154951591(nllekb)BRILL9789004434431(MiAaPQ)EBC6247812(PPN)250727811(EXLCZ)99410000001104454920201024d2020 uy 0engurun####uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediardacarrierCassius Dio the impact of violence, war, and civil war /edited by Carsten H. Lange, Andrew G. ScottLeiden ;Boston :Brill,[2020]©20201 online resourceHistoriography of Rome and its empire ;Volume 8Includes index.90-04-43442-9 Violence as an Interpretive Category in Cassius Dio: the Terror under Sulla in 82 BCE / Piotr Berdowski -- Gossip of Violence and Violence of Gossip: Livia's Lament and Its Remedy in Cassius Dio's Severan Context / Joel Allen -- Causation and Morality: Cassius Dio on the Origins of Rome's External Wars under the Republic / John Rich -- Caesar's Campaigns in Cassius Dio's Late Republic / Mads Ortving Lindholmer -- Cassius Dio and the Roman Empire: the Impact of the Severan Wars on Dio's Narrative / Estelle Bertrand -- "A Warlike Man" - Cassius Dio's Perception and Interpretation of the Imperial Military persona / Wolfgang Havener -- The War Comes Home: Rome and Romans during Civil Conflict in the Roman History / Alex Imrie -- Talking Heads: the Rostra as a Conspicuous Civil War Monument / Carsten Hjort Lange -- Cassius Dio, Cicero and the Complexity of Civil War / Ayelet Peer -- Cassius Dio on Senatorial Activities as a Factor of Political Instability and Civil War / Konstantin V. Markov -- Cassius Dio and Senatorial Memory of Civil War in the 190s / Adam M. Kemezis -- Cassius Dio, and Civil War / Sulochana R. Asirvatham -- "If You Do Wrong, You Will Be King!": the Civil War Victor in Cassius Dio / Josiah Osgood -- Civil War and Governmental Change: From the Achievements of Augustus to the Failures of the Severans / Andrew G. Scott.Cassius Dio: The Impact of Violence, War, and Civil War is part of a renewed interest in the Roman historian Cassius Dio. This volume focuses on Dio’s approaches to foreign war and stasis as well as civil war. The impact of war on Rome as well as on the history of Rome has long be recognised by scholars, and adding to that, recent years have seen an increasing interest in the impact of civil war on Roman society. Dio’s views on violence, war, and civil war are an inter-related part of his overall project, which sought to understand Roman history on its own historical and historiographical terms and within a long-range view of the Roman past that investigated the realities of power.Historiography of Rome and its empire ;Volume 8.Civil warRomeHistoriographyRomeRepublic, 265-30 B.CHistoriographyCivil warHistoriography.937.0072Lange Carsten HjortScott Andrew G.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910817827003321Cassius dio4031058UNINA05197nam 2200565 450 991081826420332120231115111842.01-61444-522-2(CKB)3710000000437116(EBL)3433713(OCoLC)914739915(SSID)ssj0001535784(PQKBManifestationID)11860460(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001535784(PQKBWorkID)11501957(PQKB)11405376(MiAaPQ)EBC3433713(Au-PeEL)EBL3433713(CaPaEBR)ebr11069790(RPAM)18532959(EXLCZ)99371000000043711620150707d2015 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrA century of advancing mathematics /Stephen F. Kennedy, editor; associate editors, Donald J. Albers [and five others][Washington, District of Columbia] :Mathematical Association of America,2015.1 online resource (0 p.)Spectrum,2638-9045 ;v. 81Description based upon print version of record.0-88385-588-7 Includes bibliographical references.A Century of Advancing Mathematics; copyright page; Contents; Preface; Part I Mathematical Developments; The Hyperbolic Revolution: From Topology to Geometry, and Back; A Century of Complex Dynamics; Map-Coloring Problems; Six Milestones in Geometry; Defying God: the Stanley-Wilf Conjecture, Stanley-Wilf Limits, and a Two-Generation Explosion of Combinatorics; What Is the Best Approach to Counting Primes?; A Century of Elliptic Curves; Part II Historical Developments; The Mathematical Association of America: Its First 100 YearsThe Stratification of the American Mathematical Community: The Mathematical Association of America and the American Mathematical Society, 1915--1925Time and Place: Sustaining the American Mathematical Community; Abstract (Modern) Algebra in America 1870--1950: A Brief Account; Part III Pedagogical Developments; The History of the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics in the United States; Inquiry-Based Learning Through the Life of the MAA; A Passport to Pleasure; Strength in Numbers: Broadening the View of the Mathematics Major; A History of Undergraduate Research in MathematicsThe Calculus Reform Movement: A Personal AccountIntroducing ex; Part IV Computational Developments; Computational Experiences in the Pre-Electronic Days; A Century of Visualization: One Geometer's View; The Future of Mathematics: 1965 to 2065; Part V Culture and Communities; Philosophy of Mathematics: What Has Happened Since Gdel's Results?; Twelve Classics People who Love Mathematics Should Know; or, ``What do you mean, you haven't read E. T. Bell?The Dramatic Life of Mathematics: A Centennial History of the Intersection of Mathematics and Theater in a Prologue, Three Acts, and an Epilogue2007: The Year of Euler; The Putnam Competition: Origin, Lore, Structure; Getting Involved with the MAA: A Path Less Traveled; Henry L. Alder; Lida K. Barrett; Ralph P. Boas; Leonard Gillman --- Reminiscences; Paul Halmos: No Apologies; Ivan Niven; George Pólya and the MAA"The MAA [Mathematical Association of America] was founded in 1915 to serve as a home for The American Mathematical Monthly. The mission of the Association--to advance mathematics, especially at the collegiate level--has, however, always been larger than merely publishing world-class mathematical exposition. MAA members have explored more than just mathematics; we have, as this volume tries to make evident, investigated mathematical connections to pedagogy, history, the arts, technology, literature, every field of intellectual endeavor. Essays, all commissioned for this volume, include exposition by Bob Devaney, Robin Wilson, and Frank Morgan; history from Karen Parshall, Della Dumbaugh and Bill Dunham; pedagogical discussion from Paul Zorn, Joe Gallian and Michael Starbird, and cultural commentary from Bonnie Gold, Jon Borwein and Steve Abbott. This volume contains 35 essays by all-star writers and expositors writing to celebrate an extraordinary century for mathematics--more mathematics has been created and published since 1915 than in all of previous recorded history. We've solved age-old mysteries, created entire new fields of study, and changed our conception of what mathematics is. Many of those stories are told in this volume as the contributors paint a portrait of the broad cultural sweep of mathematics during the MAA's first century. Mathematics is the most thrilling, the most human, area of intellectual inquiry; you will find in this volume compelling proof of that claim."--Back cover.MathematicsHistory20th centuryMathematicsHistoryKennedy Stephen F.Mathematical Association of America.MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910818264203321A century of advancing mathematics4075735UNINA02573nam0 22003733i 450 VAN0025753420240806101451.31788-09-01424-320230427d1999 |0itac50 baitaIT|||| |||||Tipi d'oggiprofili psicologici di ordinaria bizzarriaFrancesco Doganascritti di Enrico Caruso ... [et al.]FirenzeGiunti1999355 p.23 cmOgni essere umano, che lo ammetta o no, vuol sentirsi unico. Desidera distinguersi, uscire dall'anonimato, possedere almeno un po' d'originalità. Ama riconoscersi, e farsi riconoscere, per quel quid di speciale che lo differenzia da tutti gli altri. L'analisi delle differenze individuali è uno dei compiti della psicologia della personalità ed è anche l'obiettivo di questo libro. L'autore, percorrendo il variegato paesaggio della vita quotidiana, mette a fuoco un'ampia varietà di tipi psicologici, rintraccia le motivazioni profonde dei comportamenti e degli stili di vita individuali, esplora le piccole o grandi bizzarrie, i tratti di originalità, stravaganza, eccentricità, che rendono particolare e irripetibile ogni persona.001VAN000209842001 Saggi Giunti210 FirenzeGiunti.FirenzeVANL000014DoganaFernandoVANV013427070106150CarusoEnricoVANV211156070ColomboLuciaVANV211160070CorettiEricaVANV211161070GiampietroMarinaVANV211162070GilliGabriellaVANV013673070RavasioMarioVANV211169070StumpoBeniaminoVANV211170070TappatàLauraVANV211171070ITSOL20240906RICAhttps://books.google.it/books?id=_c61hqbJcrgC&pg=PT6&dq=Tipi+d%27oggi+:+profili+psicologici+di+ordinaria+bizzarria+/+Francesco+Dogana&hl=it&newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigjMn--Mn-AhXQRvEDHZm0BkwQuwV6BAgIEAchttps://books.google.it/books?id=_c61hqbJcrgC&pg=PT6&dq=Tipi+d%27oggi+:+profili+psicologici+di+ordinaria+bizzarria+/+Francesco+Dogana&hl=it&newbks=1&newbks_redir=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwigjMn--Mn-AhXQRvEDHZm0BkwQuwV6BAgIEAcBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIAIT-CE0119VAN16VAN00257534BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA16CONS 4357 16OM 162 20230427 BuonoTipi d'oggi877263UNICAMPANIA