03566nam 2200637 a 450 991081759710332120170815145109.01-282-62770-897866126277051-84545-911-310.1515/9781845459116(CKB)2560000000012068(EBL)544284(OCoLC)645100476(SSID)ssj0000436128(PQKBManifestationID)12183509(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000436128(PQKBWorkID)10426239(PQKB)10313976(MiAaPQ)EBC544284(DE-B1597)636922(DE-B1597)9781845459116(EXLCZ)99256000000001206820081217d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrEurope at the seaside[electronic resource] the economic history of mass tourism in the Mediterranean /edited by Luciano Segreto, Carles Manera, and Manfred PohlNew York Berghahn Books20091 online resource (264 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84545-323-9 Includes bibliographical references (p. 236-243) and index.Flying visits : the growth of British air package tours, 1945-1975 / Peter Lyth -- The transformation of the economic model of the Balearic Islands : the pioneers of mass tourism / Carles Manera and Jaume Garau-Taberner -- Tourism and business during the twentieth century in Greece : continuity and change / Margarita Dritsas -- The development of the Portuguese hotel business, 1950-1995 / Benedita Câmara -- Sending the Italians on vacation : the Alpitour group / Luciano Segreto -- Rimini : an original mix of Italian style and foreign models? / Patrizia Battilani -- The expansion strategies of the Majorcan hotel chains / Antoni Serra -- The French group Accor and tourism since 1967 : business tourism without a mass tourism strategy / Hubert Bonin -- Club Méditerranée, 1950-2002 / Ellen Furlough -- Tourism on the French Riviera / Philippe Mioche -- Tourism on the Costa del Sol / Carmelo Pellejero Martínez.Mass tourism is one of the most striking developments in postwar western societies, involving economic, social, cultural, and anthropological factors. For many countries it has become a significant, if not the primary, source of income for the resident population. The Mediterranean basin, which has long been a very popular destination, is explored here in the first study to scrutinize the region as a whole and over a long period of time. In particular, it investigates the area's economic and social networks directly involved in tourism, which includes examining the most popular spots that attrTourismMediterranean RegionHistoryPackage toursMediterranean RegionHistoryCruise linesMediterranean RegionHistorySeaside resortsMediterranean RegionHistoryTourismHistory.Package toursHistory.Cruise linesHistory.Seaside resortsHistory.338.4791091822Segreto Luciano134350Manera Carles1957-1260279Pohl Manfred1944-252602MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910817597103321Europe at the seaside3943944UNINA