03440nam 22006852 450 991081746690332120210206182217.01-283-05075-7978661305075590-485-1471-110.1515/9789048514717(CKB)2670000000077661(EBL)675607(OCoLC)710975125(SSID)ssj0000517403(PQKBManifestationID)12191947(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000517403(PQKBWorkID)10488124(PQKB)10230094(DE-B1597)517589(OCoLC)1083630512(DE-B1597)9789048514717(UkCbUP)CR9789048514717(Au-PeEL)EBL675607(CaPaEBR)ebr10459488(CaONFJC)MIL305075(MiAaPQ)EBC675607(EXLCZ)99267000000007766120201013d2011|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCaught in the middle neutrals, neutrality, and the First World War /Johan den Hartog & Samuël Kruizinga (eds.)[electronic resource]Amsterdam :Aksant,2011.1 online resource (vii, 175 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Studies of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation ;3Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 29 Jan 2021).90-5260-370-7 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter --Contents --Acknowledgements --1. Introduction /Hertog, Johan den / Kruizinga, Samuël --2. Dutch Neutrality and the Value of Legal Argumentation /Hertog, Johan den --3. 'Upon the Neutral Rests the Trusteeship of International Law' /Coates, Benjamin --4. Spanish Neutrality During the First World War /Ponce, Javier --5. Britain's Global War and Argentine Neutrality /Dehne, Philip --6. Not Neutrality /Kruizinga, Samuël --7. From Parasite to Angel /Sturfelt, Lina --8. Colour-blind or Clear-sighted Neutrality? /Bendtsen, Bjarne S. --9. The Hottest Places in Hell? /Clerc, Louis --10. The Other End of Neutrality /Gram-Skjoldager, Karen --About the ContributorsDuring World War I, aggressive countries infringed on the rights and privileges of neutral nations such as the Netherlands and Switzerland as they had been defined in prior international agreements. The essays in this critical collection provide comparisons of the history of neutrality in several countries involved in World War I and analyze the concept of neutrality from multiple perspectives: political, economic, cultural, and legal.Studies of the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation ;3.World War, 1914-1918World War, 1914-1918Diplomatic historyNeutralityWorld War, 1914-1918.World War, 1914-1918Diplomatic history.Neutrality.940.3Hertog Johan den1977-Kruizinga Samuël"The first world war and the end of neutrality?"(2009 :Amsterdam, Netherlands)UkCbUPUkCbUPBOOK9910817466903321Caught in the middle4073621UNINA