02325oam 2200481I 450 991081726070332120240405021541.00-429-06981-21-5231-0797-91-4987-0321-610.1201/b18063 (CKB)2670000000593379(EBL)1769029(MiAaPQ)EBC1769029(OCoLC)902804376(EXLCZ)99267000000059337920180331h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierCRC Handbook of phase equilibria and thermodynamic data of polymer solutions at elevated pressures /Christian Wohlfarth1st ed.Boca Raton :CRC Press,[2015]©20151 online resource (596 p.)1-4987-0320-8 1-322-88862-0 Includes bibliographical references.1. Introduction -- 2. Vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) data and gas solubilities at elevated pressures -- 3. Liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data of polymer solutions at elevated pressures -- 4. High-pressure fluid phase equilibrium (HPPE) data of polymer solutions -- 5. PVT data of polymers and solutions.There is a continuing interest in thermodynamic properties of polymer solutions at elevated pressures. This updated book provides newly published experimental data from the last decade. It includes nearly 500 newly published references containing approximately 175 new vapor-liquid equilibrium data sets, 25 new liquid-liquid equilibrium data sets, 540 new high-pressure fluid phase equilibrium data sets, 60 new data sets describing PVT properties of polymers, and 20 new data sets with densities or excess volumes.Phase equilibria and thermodynamic data of polymer solutions at elevated pressuresPolymer solutionsThermal propertiesPolymer solutionsThermal properties.547.7Wohlfarth C.1671625FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910817260703321CRC Handbook of phase equilibria and thermodynamic data of polymer solutions at elevated pressures4034318UNINA