04513oam 2200685I 450 991081642370332120240314021037.01-136-26007-20-203-10690-31-136-26008-010.4324/9780203106907 (CKB)2550000001106054(EBL)1323284(OCoLC)855902297(SSID)ssj0000956329(PQKBManifestationID)12469834(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000956329(PQKBWorkID)10957902(PQKB)10408184(MiAaPQ)EBC1323284(Au-PeEL)EBL1323284(CaPaEBR)ebr10737968(CaONFJC)MIL506413(OCoLC)857067524(FINmELB)ELB133656(EXLCZ)99255000000110605420180706d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrCrossing boundaries in public management and policy the international experience /edited by Janine O'Flynn, Deborah Blackman and John Halligan1st ed.London ;New York :Routledge,2014.1 online resource (336 s.)Routledge critical studies in public management ;15Routledge critical studies in public management ;15Description based upon print version of record.0-415-67824-2 1-299-75162-8 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Cover ; Crossing Boundaries in Public Management and Policy; Title Page ; Copyright Page ; Table of Contents ; List of figures and tables; Notes on contributors; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations; Part I Introduction and the fundamental questions; 1 Crossing boundaries in public management and policy: an introduction; 2 Crossing boundaries: the fundamental questions in public management and policy; Part II Solutions to cross-boundary dilemmas?; 3 The cross-organizational collaboration solution? Conditions, roles and dynamics in New Zealand4 The boundary-spanning solution? Crossing boundaries in the United States5 The culture solution? Culture and common purpose in Australia; 6 The structure solution? Public sector mergers in the United Kingdom; 7 The people and structure solution? Collegial administration in Norway; 8 The performance target solution? Cross-cutting public service agreements in the United Kingdom; 9 The collaboration solution? Factors for collaborative success; 10 The soft power solution? Managing without authority; 11 The diagnostic solution? Gauging readiness forcross-boundary working12 The responsiveness solution? Embedding horizontal governance in CanadaPart III Cases of crossing boundaries in public management and policy; 13 Children's services: the impact of service integration in England; 14 Education and employment: stumbling across boundaries in the Netherlands; 15 Health: overcoming service delivery gaps in Austria; 16 Community safety: partnerships across boundaries in England; 17 Airport enclaves: bridging boundary tensions between airports and cities; Part IV Conclusion; 18 Crossing boundaries in public management and policy: conclusion and future issues; Index<P>In the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century governments are increasingly focusing on designing ways and means of connecting across boundaries to achieve goals. Whether issues are complex and challenging - climate change, international terrorism, intergenerational poverty- or more straightforward - provision of a single point of entry to government or delivering integrated public services - practitioners and scholars increasingly advocate the use of approaches which require connections across various boundaries, be they organizational, jurisdictional or sectorial.</P><P>Governments around the world contiRoutledge Critical Studies in Public ManagementPublic administrationInternational cooperationPublic administrationInternational cooperation.351Blackman Deborah A1613741Halligan John602541O'Flynn Janine801577MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910816423703321Crossing boundaries in public management and policy3943188UNINA