03157nam 2200613Ia 450 991081614930332120230803031224.090-04-25309-210.1163/9789004253094(CKB)2670000000413896(EBL)1357630(OCoLC)858861608(SSID)ssj0000982908(PQKBManifestationID)11546236(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000982908(PQKBWorkID)10987497(PQKB)10035248(MiAaPQ)EBC1357630(nllekb)BRILL9789004253094(Au-PeEL)EBL1357630(CaPaEBR)ebr10749128(CaONFJC)MIL512077(EXLCZ)99267000000041389620130419d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe Arabic influence on Northern Berber[electronic resource] /by Maarten KossmannLeiden Brill20131 online resource (473 p.)Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics ;v. 67Description based upon print version of record.90-04-25308-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Berber and Arabic -- 3. Berber in Contact: The Pre-Islamic and Early Islamic Periods -- 4. Lexicon -- 5. Phonology -- 6. Nominal Morphology -- 7. Verbal Morphology -- 8. Borrowing of Morphological Categories -- 9. Other Categories: Pronouns and Quantifiers -- 10. Syntax: Simple Clause -- 11. Syntax: Complex Sentences -- 12. Syntax: Relative Clauses -- 13. Conclusions -- References -- Index.The Arabic Influence on Northern Berber provides an overview of the effects of language contact on a wide array of Berber languages spoken in the Maghrib. These languages have undergone important changes in their lexicon, phonology, morphology, and syntax as a result of over a thousand years of Arabic influence. The social situation of Berber-Arabic language contact is similar all over the region: Berber speakers introducing Arabic features into their language, with only little language shift going on. Moreover, the typological profile of the different Berber varieties is relatively homogenous. The comparison of contact-induced change in Berber therefore adds up to a study in typological variation of contact influence under very similar linguistic and social conditions.Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics ;67.Berber languagesForeign elementsArabicArabic languageInfluence on BerberLanguages in contactAfrica, NorthBerber languagesForeign elementsArabic.Arabic languageInfluence on Berber.Languages in contact493/.3Kossmann Maarten G662475MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910816149303321The Arabic influence on Northern Berber4088432UNINA