02623oam 2200469 450 991081591130332120190911103516.01-5063-4342-21-5063-4343-01-5063-4341-41-5063-4340-6(OCoLC)1001534442(MiFhGG)GVRL08IO(EXLCZ)99434000000022590720160614h20172017 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentstirdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDesigning and using performance tasks enhancing student learning and assessment /Tracey K. ShielThousand Oaks, California :Corwin,[2017]�20171 online resource (xiv, 240 pages) illustrationsGale eBooks1-5063-2872-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.chapter 1. The lasting power of performance tasks -- chapter 2. Building the base : begin with the end in mind -- chapter 3. Building the base : learning progressions -- chapter 4. Building the base : going SOLO! -- chapter 5. Performance task attributes -- chapter 6. Scoring guides, aka rubrics -- chapter 7. Implementation considerations.(1) A step-by-step guide to developing and implementing performance tasks in the classroom as a means to teach, monitor and extend student learning (2) Fosters the application of learning intentions and success criteria generated from the new state standards and provides feedback to teachers to make instructional decisions based on student performance of the learning tasks. (3) Incorporates learning progressions as an integral part of the planning process and the development of performance tasks (4) Helps close the "knowing-doing gap" by focusing on what needs to be considered for successful implementation starting with classroom organization and management. (5) Includes a number of examples of performance task components at different grade levels and content areas to demonstrate a variety of performance task possibilities and jump start ...Competency-based educationUnited StatesEducational tests and measurementsUnited StatesCompetency-based educationEducational tests and measurements371.26Shiel Tracey1685364MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910815911303321Designing and using performance tasks4057443UNINA