03571nam 22006612 450 991081529280332120151005020623.01-107-16571-71-280-48040-897866104804010-511-22081-20-511-22122-30-511-21925-30-511-31717-40-511-54584-30-511-21993-89780521853965(CKB)1000000000352411(EBL)261128(OCoLC)173610036(SSID)ssj0000161297(PQKBManifestationID)11169563(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000161297(PQKBWorkID)10198271(PQKB)10561932(UkCbUP)CR9780511545849(MiAaPQ)EBC261128(Au-PeEL)EBL261128(CaPaEBR)ebr10130435(CaONFJC)MIL48040(PPN)261353411(EXLCZ)99100000000035241120090507d2006|||| uy| 0engur|||||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGene expression profiling by microarrays clinical implications /edited by Wolf-Karsten Hofmann[electronic resource]Cambridge :Cambridge University Press,2006.1 online resource (xiv, 246 pages) digital, PDF file(s)Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 05 Oct 2015).0-521-85396-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.Technique of microarrays : microarray platforms / Sven de Vos -- Quantitative quality control of microarray experiments : toward accurate gene expression measurements / Xujing Wang and Martin J. Hessner -- Statistical analysis of gene expression data / David A. Elashoff -- Genomic stratification in patients with heart failure / Tara A. Bullard [and others] -- Gene expression profiling for the diagnosis of acute leukemias / Torsten Haferlach [and others] -- Gene expression profiling can distinguish tumor subclasses of breast carcinomas / Ingrid A. Hedenfalk -- Gene expression profiling in lymphoid malignancies / Christof Burek [and others] -- mRNA profiling of pancreatic beta-cells : investigating mechanisms of diabetes / Leentje Van Lommel [and others] -- Prediction of response and resistance to treatment by gene expression profiling / Philipp Kiewe and Wolf-Karsten Hofmann.Microarray analysis is a highly efficient tool for assessing the expression of a large number of genes simultaneously, and offers a new means to classify cancer and other diseases. Gene expression profiling can also be used to predict clinical outcome and response to specific therapeutic agents. This survey spans recent applications of microarrays in clinical medicine, covering malignant disease including acute leukaemias, lymphoid malignancies and breast cancer, together with diabetes and heart disease. Investigators in oncology, pharmacology and related clinical sciences, as well as basic scientists, will value this review of a promising new diagnostic and prognostic technology.Gene expressionMedical geneticsGene expression.Medical genetics.572.865Hofmann Wolf-KarstenUkCbUPUkCbUPBOOK9910815292803321Gene expression profiling by microarrays4050752UNINA