02963oam 2200685I 450 991081523160332120240405091853.01-134-91941-71-134-91942-51-138-16123-31-280-07530-90-203-45055-810.4324/9780203450550 (CKB)1000000000248831(EBL)181716(OCoLC)437084528(SSID)ssj0000278200(PQKBManifestationID)11229580(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000278200(PQKBWorkID)10246056(PQKB)10323466(MiAaPQ)EBC181716(Au-PeEL)EBL181716(CaPaEBR)ebr10098728(CaONFJC)MIL7530(OCoLC)243606822(EXLCZ)99100000000024883120180331d1992 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrContemporary futures perspectives from social anthropology /edited by Sandra Wallman1st ed.London ;New York :Routledge,1992.1 online resource (244 p.)A.S.A. monographs ;30Simultaneously published in the USA and Canada.0-203-45925-3 0-415-06663-8 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Book Cover; Title; Contents; List of contributors; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Contemporary Futures; The death of the future; Trapped in the present: the past, present and future of a group of old people in East London; Posterity and paradox: some uses of time capsules; On predicting the future: parish rituals and patronage in Malta; Lines, cycles and transformations: temporal perspectives on Inuit action; Going there and getting there: the future as a legitimating charter for life in the presentTime past, time present, time future: contrasting temporal values in two Southeast Asian societiesSaving the rain forest? Contested futures in conservation; Sustainable anthropology: ecology and anthropology in the future; Reproducing anthropology; The Marabar Caves, 1920 2020; A future for social anthropology?; Name index; Subject indexContemporary Futures explores the implications of visualising the future and the consequences this has on the present and on our relationship with other cultures.A.S.A. monographs ;30.AnthropologyForecastingIndustriesSocial aspectsForecastingAnthropologyForecasting.IndustriesSocial aspectsForecasting.301306Wallman Sandra244362MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910815231603321Contemporary futures4113872UNINA