04615nam 2200601Ia 450 991081500410332120230828213922.01-282-45038-7978661245038981-224-2936-X(CKB)2670000000016390(EBL)3017394(SSID)ssj0000672164(PQKBManifestationID)11453409(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000672164(PQKBWorkID)10633040(PQKB)11356813(MiAaPQ)EBC3017394(Au-PeEL)EBL3017394(CaPaEBR)ebr10359391(CaONFJC)MIL245038(OCoLC)923652036(EXLCZ)99267000000001639019990907d2006 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDisaster preparedness against accidents or terrorist attack (chemical/biological/radiological)[electronic resource] /Prasanta K. RayNew Delhi New Age Internationalc20061 online resource (344 p.)Description based upon print version of record.81-224-1742-6 Includes bibliographical references.""Cover""; ""Preface""; ""Chapter-1. Introduction""; ""1.1 Introduction""; ""1.2 Science and Technological Development""; ""1.3 Revolutions in Modern Biology""; ""1.4 Terrorism""; ""1.4.1 Emergence of Terrorism""; ""1.4.2 Some Examples of Terrorist Attacks""; ""1.4.3 Domestic Terrorism in the USA""; ""1.5 Definition of Terrorism""; ""1.5.1 Distinction among Terrorism, National Liberation Movement and GuerillaWarfare""; ""1.5.2 Guerilla Warfare""; ""1.5.3 What has Given Birth to Modern Terrorists?""; ""1.5.4 What is the Main Feature of a Terrorist?""""1.5.5 Psyche of a Terrorist: Distinguishing Features""""Chapter-2. Historical Perspectives on Accidents Causing Major Chemical Disasters: Deliberate Terrorist Attack: Dropping of an Atom Bomb""; ""2.1 Toxic / Hazardous Agents as Weapons of the Terrorist ""; ""2.2 Possible Bioorganisms / Toxins as weapons of the Terrorists""; ""2.3 Niaid High Priority Biodefense Products ""; ""2.4 Radiological Weapons""; ""2.5 Some Historical Experiences""; ""2.5.1 From Chemical Accidents in Bhopal""; ""2.5.2 Experiences from the Terrorists� Attack on Twin Towers and Anthrax Mail Scare in the USA """"2.5.3 What Did the World Learn Out of this Incident?""""2.6 Experiences From Biological Weapons""; ""2.7 Chernobyl Experience""; ""2.8 Hiroshima and Nagasaki Experience""; ""2.9 How Real is it that the Terrorists will Ever use Radio - Logical Weapons?""; ""2.10 Author's Own Experience""; ""2.10.1 Author�s Experiences with the Twin Tower Disaster""; ""2.10.2 Bhopal Toxic Gas Disaster�Author�s Own Experience""; ""Chapter-3. Hazardous chemicals / Biologicals / Radiologicals as Potential Weapons for the Terrorists""""3.1 Safe Production, Handling, Storage and Transportation of Chemicals: Safety Grading""""3.2 Chemical Disasters: International Experience""; ""3.2.1 Toxicological Emergencies: Disaster Management""; ""3.2.2 Disaster Response: Aftermath of a Major Disaster""; ""3.2.3 Do�s and Don�ts Regardings Some Commonly Known Hazardous SubstancesExposure Signs, Symptoms and Possible Treatments""; ""3.3 CDC Recommendations Regarding Appropriate Type of Treatments""; ""3.3.1 Bioterrorism""; ""3.4 Some Clues to Potential Bioterrorist Attack""; ""3.5 Preparedness at the Community Level""""3.6 Preparedness at the State and Federal Government Level""""3.7 Safety Measures During Transport""; ""3.7.1 What to Do If You Find Out Suspicious Biological Specimens""; ""3.7.2 Gearing up Laboratory Capabilities""; ""3.7.3 Preparedness at the Local Community Level""; ""3.7.4 Preparedness at the State and Federal Government Level Ensuring ProperPreparation at the Laboratory Level""; ""3.8 Anthrax""; ""3.8.1 Critical Criteria""; ""3.8.2 Cutaneous Anthrax""; ""3.8.3 Gastrointestinal Anthrax""; ""3.8.4 Inhalation Anthrax""; ""3.8.5 Treatment""; ""3.8.6 Prophylaxis""""3.8.7 Laboratory Diagnosis""Emergency managementPublic safetyEmergency management.Public safety.Ray Prasanta K1647432MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910815004103321Disaster preparedness against accidents or terrorist attack (chemical3994961UNINA