04206nam 2200649 450 991081477930332120230803222508.03-8382-6539-4(CKB)2560000000148708(EBL)1677079(SSID)ssj0001305246(PQKBManifestationID)11830697(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001305246(PQKBWorkID)11248690(PQKB)11192221(MiAaPQ)EBC1677079(MiAaPQ)EBC5782210(EXLCZ)99256000000014870820190628d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrExport pipelines from the CIS region geopolitics, securitization, and political decision-making /Andreas Heinrich, Heiko Pleines (eds)Stuttgart :Ibidem-Verlag,[2014]©20141 online resource (345 p.)Changing Europe ;Volume 10Papers from the 8th Changing Europe Summer School on "Export Pipelines from the CIS Region: National Debates, Political Decision-Making and Geopolitics," held Aug. 2013 in Almaty and organized jointly by the Central Asian Foundation for the Development of Democracy, Almaty and the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.3-8382-0539-1 Includes bibliographical references (pages 319-337).Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; Abbreviations; Preface; 0. Introduction: Export Pipelines in Eurasia; Part I. Russia's Foreign Energy Policy; 1. Russian Foreign Energy Policy Under Vladimir Putin: Norms, Ideas, and Determining Factors; 2. An Actor-Centred Institutionalist Approach to Russia's Pipeline Policies; 3. Opening Up the Black Box: Russia's Energy Security Concept; Part II. Energy Policy in Central Asia; 4. Challenges Along the Way Towards a Maximally Secure Central Asian Gas System5. The Geo-Economics of Eurasian Gas: the Evolution of Russian-Turkmen Relations in Natural Gas (1992-2010)6. Pipelines and Hegemonies in the Caspian: a Gramscian Appraisal; Part III. The Southern Energy Corridor; 7. The Trans-Adriatic Pipeline and Nabucco West Pipeline Projects: Advantages and Disadvantages for Azerbaijan; 8. EU Energy Policy Towards the Caspian Region: Assessing the Southern Gas Corridor; 9. The EU's Democracy Promotion in its Eastern Neighbourhood: Consistency in the Shadow of Energy Trade and the EU's Ability; Part IV. Ukraine's Energy Policy10. Gas Disputes Between Russia and Ukraine: Patterns of Escalation and Russian Stakes (2006-2009)11. The Struggle Over Ukraine's Gas Transit Pipeline Network Through the Lenses of Securitisation Theory; Annex; Oil and Gas Reserves and Production; Oil and Gas Pipelines in Europe and Central Asia; Selected Bibliography on Eurasian Export Pipelines; About the AuthorsThis timely collection offers fresh perspectives to the analysis of the 'New Great Game' ? the fight for access to the Caspian Sea region's energy resources. To date, the export of the Caspian crude oil and natural gas has only been assessed geopolitically, which oversimplifies the political dynamics of the region and neglects to acknowledge the Caspian countries as actors in their own right.Changing Europe ;Volume 10.Petroleum industry and tradeFormer Soviet republicsCongressesGas pipelinesFormer Soviet republicsCongressesPetroleum pipelinesFormer Soviet republicsCongressesGas industryFormer Soviet republicsCongressesEnergy policyFormer Soviet republicsCongressesPetroleum industry and tradeGas pipelinesPetroleum pipelinesGas industryEnergy policy307.76Heinrich AndreasPleines HeikoMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910814779303321Export pipelines from the CIS region4075233UNINA