03501nam 2200661 450 991081469160332120210706020431.00-7735-8952-X0-7735-8951-110.1515/9780773589513(CKB)2550000001140888(EBL)3332639(SSID)ssj0001150799(PQKBManifestationID)11611752(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001150799(PQKBWorkID)11192095(PQKB)10157983(CEL)446128(OCoLC)865475314(CaBNVSL)slc00233530(Au-PeEL)EBL3332639(CaPaEBR)ebr10787152(OCoLC)842523867(VaAlCD)20.500.12592/m6rtp2(MiAaPQ)EBC3332639(DE-B1597)654474(DE-B1597)9780773589513(EXLCZ)99255000000114088820131109d2013 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAmerican Protestant theology a historical sketch /Luigi Giussani ; translator Damian Bacich ; author of introduction, etc. Archibald J. SpencerMontréal, Québec :McGill-Queen's University Press,2013.{copy}20131 online resource (273 p.)Includes index.0-7735-4197-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.Puritan Origins -- New England Theology -- The Liberal Movement -- Realism -- Recent Trends -- Appendices. Aspects of the Conception of History in Reinhold Niebuhr -- Reinhold Niebuhr and the Foundations of His Ethics -- The Recovery of Religious Values in American Personalism and the Philosophy of Edgar Sheffield Brightman.In American Protestant Theology, Luigi Giussani traces the history of the most meaningful theological expressions and the cultural significance of American Protestantism, from its origins in seventeenth-century Puritanism to the 1950s. Giussani clarifies and assesses elements of Protestantism such as the democratic approach to Church-State relations, "The Great Awakening," Calvinism and Trinitarianism, and liberalism. His rich references and analytical descriptions reconstruct an overview of the development of a religion that has great importance in the context of spiritual life and American culture. He also displays full respect for the religious depth from which Protestantism was born and where it can reach, and expresses great admiration for its most prominent thinkers and spiritual leaders, including Jonathan Edwards, Horace Bushnell, Walter Rauschenbusch, Reinhold Niebuhr, and Paul Tillich. Further testament to Giussani's clear-minded and comprehensive knowledge of Christianity, American Protestant Theology makes the work of a master theologian available in English for the first time.Theology, DoctrinalUnited StatesHistoryProtestant churchesUnited StatesDoctrinesHistoryTheology, DoctrinalHistory.Protestant churchesDoctrinesHistory.230.0440973Giussani Luigi159648Bacich Cosmos Damian1593490Spencer Archibald J1593491MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910814691603321American Protestant theology3913647UNINA