04327nam 2200889 450 991081426820332120211005163608.00-8232-6632-X0-8232-6337-10-8232-6336-310.1515/9780823263363(CKB)2670000000582257(OCoLC)891382914(CaPaEBR)ebrary10930205(SSID)ssj0001355397(PQKBManifestationID)11863362(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001355397(PQKBWorkID)11346735(PQKB)11528991(StDuBDS)EDZ0001111276(MiAaPQ)EBC3239930(OCoLC)891351226(MdBmJHUP)muse37925(DE-B1597)555432(DE-B1597)9780823263363(Au-PeEL)EBL3239930(CaPaEBR)ebr10930205(CaONFJC)MIL671343(OCoLC)1058263334(MiAaPQ)EBC1884036(Au-PeEL)EBL1884036(MiAaPQ)EBC30251562(Au-PeEL)EBL30251562(EXLCZ)99267000000058225720140917h20152015 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrWhat's these worlds coming to? /Jean-Luc Nancy and Aurelien Barrau ; translated by Travis Holloway and Flor MechainFirst edition.New York :Fordham University Press,2015.©20151 online resource (129 p.)Forms of LivingBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-8232-6333-9 1-322-40061-X Includes bibliographical references.Front matter --Contents --Foreword. To Inhabit a World --Translators’ Preface --Preamble --More than One --Less Than One, Then --Of Struction --. . . And of Unistruction --NotesOur contemporary challenge, according to Jean-Luc Nancy and Aurelien Barrau, is that a new world has stolen up on us. We no longer live in a world, but in worlds. We do not live in a universe anymore, but rather in a multiverse. We no longer create; we appropriate and montage. And we no longer build sovereign, hierarchical political institutions; we form local assemblies and networks of cross-national assemblages— and we do this at the same time as we form multinational corporations that no longer pay taxes to the state. In such a time, one of the world’s most eminent philosophers and an emerging astrophysicist return to the ancient art of cosmology. Nancy and Barrau’s work is a study of life, plural worlds, and what the authors call the struction or rebuilding of these worlds. Nancy and Barrau invite us on an uncharted walk into barely known worlds when an everyday French idiom, “What’s this world coming to?,” is used to question our conventional thinking about the world. We soon find ourselves living among heaps of odd bits and pieces that are amassing without any unifying force or center, living not only in a time of ruin and fragmentation but in one of rebuilding. Astrophysicist Aurelien Barrau articulates a major shift in the paradigm of contemporary physics from a universe to a multiverse. Meanwhile, Jean-Luc Nancy’s essay “Of Struction” is a contemporary comment on the project of deconstruction and French poststructuralist thought. Together Barrau and Nancy argue that contemporary thought has shifted from deconstruction to what they carefully call the struction of dis-order.Forms of Living (FUP)PhenomenologyHistory20th centuryDeconstruction.Deleuze.Derrida.Khora.Multiverse.Nancy.Timaeus.cosmology.life.world.PhenomenologyHistory142.7Nancy Jean-Luc157114Barrau AurélienHolloway TravisMechain FlorMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910814268203321What's these worlds coming to3984479UNINA