05461nam 2200673Ia 450 991081394900332120210927211722.090-04-24903-6(CKB)2670000000343097(EBL)1163720(OCoLC)836401285(SSID)ssj0000855871(PQKBManifestationID)11531743(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000855871(PQKBWorkID)10807593(PQKB)11532243(MiAaPQ)EBC1163720(nllekb)BRILL9789004249035(Au-PeEL)EBL1163720(CaPaEBR)ebr10681961(CaONFJC)MIL475703(PPN)174396236(EXLCZ)99267000000034309720130102d2013 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrCenter and periphery[electronic resource] studies on power in the Middle Ages in honor of William Chester Jordan /edited by Katherine L. Jansen, G. Geltner, Anne E. LesterLeiden Brill20131 online resource (332 p.)Later medieval Europe ;11Description based upon print version of record.90-04-24359-3 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preliminary Material /Katherine L. Jansen , G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester --Introduction /Katherine L. Jansen , G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester --Historiographical Introduction /John W. Baldwin --Christian Love, Jewish “Privacy,” and Medieval Kingship /David Nirenberg --The Castilian Monarchy and the Jews (Eleventh to Thirteenth Centuries) /Maya Soifer Irish --Royal Power and Ritual Murder: Notes on the Expulsion of the Jews from the Royal Domain of France, 1182 /E.M. Rose --The Intimacy of Exception: The Diagnosis of Samuel Abenmenassé /Hussein Fancy --Can the Church be Desperate, Warriors be Pacifist, and Commoners Ridiculously Optimistic? On the Historian’s Imagination and the Peace of God /Richard Landes --Peacemaking, Performance, and Power in Thirteenth-Century San Gimignano /Katherine L. Jansen --Captivity and Diplomacy in the Late Medieval Crown of Aragon /Jarbel Rodriguez --The Economic Power of a Hospital in Thirteenth-Century Provins /Adam J. Davis --“In Some Way Even More than Before”: Approaches to Understanding St. Louis of Anjou, Franciscan Bishop of Toulouse /Holly J. Grieco --“In Order to Keep the Memory”: Miracle Cults as Sources of Authority in the Crown of Aragon /Michelle Garceau --Patrolling Normative Borders after the Black Death: The Bishop of Lucca’s Criminal Court /G. Geltner --Warrior or Saint? Joinville, Louis IX’s Character, and the Challenge of the Crusade /Jonathan Elukin --Confessor King, Martyr Saint: Praying to Saint Maurice at Senlis /Anne E. Lester --Men of France? Boundary Crossing in Constantinople in the 1240's /Erica Gilles --Victory by Desire: Crusade and Martyrdom in the Fourteenth Century /Christopher MacEvitt --Custom’s Two Bodies /Emily Kadens --A Cautionary Note /Mark Gregory Pegg --Afterword – William Chester Jordan: A Life of Learning /Teofilo F. Ruiz --William Chester Jordan: A Bibliography /Katherine L. Jansen , G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester --General Bibliography /Katherine L. Jansen , G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester --Index /Katherine L. Jansen , G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester.William Chester Jordan’s scholarship has demonstrated the complexity of negotiating power at both the center and margins of medieval society, taking us into the inner chambers of medieval power structures where kings, churchmen and courtiers dwell to the margins of society inhabited by disenfranchised peoples such as Jews, women and the poor. Center and Periphery: Studies on Power in the Medieval World in Honor of William Chester Jordan , edited by Katherine L. Jansen, G. Geltner and Anne E. Lester, honors Professor Jordan by taking up these themes and expanding them from France into Spain, Italy, the Lowlands, and the Mediterranean. The volume highlights how Jordan’s work inspired and influenced a generation of medievalists working in North America and Europe today. Contributors are John W. Baldwin, Adam J. Davis, Jonathan Elukin, Hussein Fancy, Michelle Garceau, G. Geltner, Erica Gilles, Holly J. Grieco, Maya Soifer Irish, Katherine L. Jansen, Emily Kadens, Richard Landes, Jacques Le Goff, Anne E. Lester, Christopher MacEvitt, David Nirenberg, Mark Gregory Pegg , Jarbel Rodriguez, E.M. Rose and Teofilo Ruiz.Later medieval Europe ;11.Civilization, MedievalMiddle AgesPower (Social sciences)EuropeHistoryTo 1500EuropeHistory476-1492EuropeSocial conditionsTo 1492Civilization, Medieval.Middle Ages.Power (Social sciences)History940.1Geltner Guy1974-1623598Jansen Katherine Ludwig1957-778627Jordan William Chester1948-170274Lester Anne Elisabeth1974-1630489MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910813949003321Center and periphery4096668UNINA