05394nam 2200721 450 991081335940332120200903223051.03-11-048593-13-11-030039-73-11-030024-910.1515/9783110300390(CKB)2550000001303784(EBL)1130347(OCoLC)870946355(SSID)ssj0001113326(PQKBManifestationID)11698459(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001113326(PQKBWorkID)11166619(PQKB)10759935(MiAaPQ)EBC1130347(DE-B1597)179259(OCoLC)1013938491(OCoLC)979906436(DE-B1597)9783110300390(Au-PeEL)EBL1130347(CaPaEBR)ebr10848993(CaONFJC)MIL577489(EXLCZ)99255000000130378420140324h20142014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrStudies in classical Hebrew /Moshe Bar-Asher ; edited by Aaron KollerBerlin, [Germany] :De Gruyter,2014.©20141 online resource (492 p.)Studia Judaica : Forschungen zur Wissenschaft des Judentums,0585-5306 ;Band 71Description based upon print version of record.3-11-036782-3 1-306-46238-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --Preface --Contents --Introduction --A. Biblical Hebrew --1 The Qal Passive Participle of Geminate Verbs in Biblical Hebrew --2. יריריה - וה׳ אהבז: The morphology and meaning of the word ידיד --3. The Bible Interpreting Itself --4. Gesenius' Thesaurus and Mishnaic Hebrew Studies --5 : איש יהודי היה בשושך הבידה When did יהודי Come to Denote 'Jew'? --6. Biblical Language in Mishnaic Texts --7. זצזמד אל יכבד לבד :Regarding One Sentence from the Letter to Pelatyahu --8. The verse שמע ישדאל ('Hear, O Israel') in Greek transcription on an ancient amulet --B. Qumran Hebrew --9. A Few Remarks on Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic in Qumran Hebrew --10. On Several Linguistic Features of Qumran Hebrew --11. Qumran Hebrew Between Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrews: A Morphological Study --12. Mistaken Repetitions or Double Readings? --13. Two Issues in Qumran Hebrew: Synchronic and Diachronic Perspectives --14. Grammatical and Lexicographic Notes on a Qumran Fragment (4Q374 ii) --15. כיון הצלמים / כיניי הצלמים --16. The Patterns Pe'ila and Pi"ul in Qumran Hebrew --C. Mishnaic Hebrew and Aramaic --17. Mishnaic Hebrew: An Introductory Survey --18. The Study of Mishnaic Hebrew Grammar Based on Written Sources: Achievements, Problems, and Tasks --19. The Different Traditions of Mishnaic Hebrew --20. The System of binyanim in Mishnaic Hebrew (A Morphological Study) --21. The Formation of the Nif 'al III-yod Participle in Mishnaic Hebrew --22. Comments on the Morphology of Nouns in Mishnaic Hebrew: Nouns Attested and Unattested in Biblical Hebrew --23. Mishnaic Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew --24. On the Language of the Beit 'Amar Papyrus --25. From Oral Transmission to Written Transmission (Concerning the meaning of some orthographic forms in the manuscripts of the Mishnah and of Rabbinic Literature) --Bibliography --IndexesProfessor Moshe Bar-Asher, Professor Emeritus at the Hebrew University and long-time president of the Academy of the Hebrew Language, has published more than 200 articles and sixteen books and edited aboout 90 books and collections. The vast majority of his work has been accessible, however, only to specialists who read modern Hebrew or French. Bar-Asher's groundbreaking articles on the dialects of rabbinic literature are classics. In more recent years he has brought the same breadth and depth of grammatical knowledge, and philological acumen, to the study of older classical Hebrew texts, including literary and epigraphic texts.This volume presents studies of individual words and verses within the Bible, as well as broader thematic discussions of biblical language and its long reception-history, down through medieval scribes and modern lexicographers. Also represented are Bar-Asher's penetrating studies of Qumran texts and languages, which illuminate both the linguistic traditions reflected in these texts and the scribal culture from which they emerged. The third section contains studies of Mishnaic Hebrew. There are both sweeping surveys of the field and its accomplishments and challenges, and studies of specific phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical features.Studia Judaica (Walter de Gruyter & Co.) ;Band 71.Hebrew languageHistoryHebrew bible.Hebrew language.Mishna.Qumran.linguistics.Hebrew languageHistory.492.4/09Bar-Asher Mosheh663751Koller AaronMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910813359403321Studies in classical Hebrew4013280UNINA02158nam0 22005293i 450 VAN0028311620250108122009.27N978981165751120241119d2021 |0itac50 baengSG|||| |||||i e bIntroduction to Space ScienceJi WuBeijingScience ; SingaporeSpringer2021xvii, 193 p.ill.24 cmTranslation from the Chinese language edition001VAN001078642001 Springer Aerospace Technology210 ChamSpringer2009-VAN00283117Kōngjiān kēxué gàilùn428690801-XXHistory and biography [MSC 2020]VANC021469MF85-XXAstronomy and Astrophysics [MSC 2020]VANC023246MFAerospace system engineeringKW:KDetecting payloadsKW:KMicrogravity scienceKW:KRemote sensorsKW:KSpace TechnologyKW:KSpace explorationKW:KSpace life sciencesKW:KSpace science mission developmentKW:KSpace science mission managementKW:KSpace science payloadsKW:KSpace stationKW:KTotal value chain management and output evaluationKW:KSGSingaporeVANL000061BeijingVANL001586WuJiVANV171052825101Science <editore>VANV108575650Springer <editore>VANV108073650ITSOL20250110RICAhttp://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5751-1E-book – Accesso al full-text attraverso riconoscimento IP di Ateneo, proxy e/o ShibbolethBIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICAIT-CE0120VAN08NVAN00283116BIBLIOTECA DEL DIPARTIMENTO DI MATEMATICA E FISICA08DLOAD e-Book 9803 08eMF9803 20241127 Kōngjiān kēxué gàilùn4286908UNICAMPANIA