05423nam 2200673 450 991081325730332120200520144314.00-323-35303-7(CKB)3710000000331146(EBL)1913317(SSID)ssj0001435326(PQKBManifestationID)11883602(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001435326(PQKBWorkID)11429503(PQKB)10334603(Au-PeEL)EBL1913317(CaPaEBR)ebr11001787(CaONFJC)MIL688890(OCoLC)899739224(MiAaPQ)EBC1913317(EXLCZ)99371000000033114620150114h20152015 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrNanotechnology applications for tissue engineering /edited by Sabu Thomas, Yves Grohens, Neethu NinanOxford, England ;Waltham, Massachusetts :William Andrew,2015.©20151 online resource (336 p.)Micro & Nano Technologies SeriesDescription based upon print version of record.1-322-57608-4 0-323-32889-X Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Front Cover; Nanotechnology Applications for Tissue Engineering; Copyright Page; Contents; List of Contributors; About the Editors; Preface; 1 Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering; 1.1 Introduction; 1.1.1 Nanomedicine; 1.1.2 Tissue Engineering; 1.2 Relationship of Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering; 1.2.1 Nanomedicine Approaches in Bone Tissue Engineering; 1.2.2 Nanomedicine Approaches in Cardiac Tissue Engineering; 1.2.3 Nanomedicine Approaches in Skin Tissue Engineering; 1.2.4 Nanomedicine Approaches in Brain Tissue Engineering1.2.5 Nanomedicine Approaches for Other Tissue Engineering Disciplines1.3 Nanodrug Delivery Systems for Tissue Regeneration; 1.3.1 Nanotheranostics; 1.3.2 Nanoregeneration Medicine; 1.3.3 Nanodrug Delivery; Dendrimers; Liposomes; Carbon Nanotubes; Nanocomposite Hydrogel; 1.4 Medical Applications of Molecular Nanotechnology; 1.4.1 Nanorobots; 1.4.2 Cell Repair Machines; 1.5 Summary and Future Directions; References; 2 Biomaterials: Design, Development and Biomedical Applications; 2.1 Overview; 2.2 Design of Biomaterials; 2.2.1 Polymers; 2.2.2 Metals2.2.3 Composite Materials2.2.4 Ceramics; 2.3 Basic Considerations to Design Biomaterial; 2.4 Characteristics of Biomaterials; 2.4.1 Nontoxicity; 2.4.2 Biocompatible; 2.4.3 Absence of Foreign Body Reaction; 2.4.4 Mechanical Properties and Performance; 2.5 Fundamental Aspects of Tissue Responses to Biomaterials; 2.5.1 Injury; 2.5.2 Blood-Material Interactions and Initiation of the Inflammatory Response; 2.5.3 Provisional Matrix Formation; 2.5.4 Acute Inflammation; 2.5.5 Chronic Inflammation; 2.5.6 Granulation Tissue; 2.5.7 Foreign Body Reaction; 2.5.8 Fibrosis and Fibrous Encapsulation2.6 Evaluation of Biomaterial Behavior2.6.1 Assessment of Physical Properties; 2.6.2 In vitro Assessment; 2.6.3 In vivo Assessment; 2.7 Properties of Biomaterials Assessed Through In Vivo Experiments; 2.7.1 Sensitization, Irritation, and Intracutaneous Reactivity; 2.7.2 Systemic, Subacute, and Subchronic Toxicity; 2.7.3 Genotoxicity; 2.7.4 Implantation; 2.7.5 Hemocompatibility; 2.7.6 Chronic Toxicity; 2.7.7 Carcinogenicity; 2.7.8 Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity; 2.7.9 Biodegradation; 2.7.10 Immune Responses; 2.8 Applications of Biomaterials; 2.8.1 Orthopedic Applications2.8.2 Ophthalmologic Applications2.8.3 Cardiovascular Applications; 2.8.4 Dental Applications; 2.8.5 Wound Dressing Applications; 2.8.6 Other Applications; 2.9 Future Directions in Biomaterials; 2.10 Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 3 Electrospinning of Polymers for Tissue Engineering; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 History of Electrospinning; 3.3 Experimental Setup and Basic Principle; 3.3.1 Theoretical Background; 3.4 Effects of Parameters on Electrospinning; 3.4.1 Solution Parameters; 3.4.2 Concentration and Viscosity; 3.4.3 Molecular Weight; 3.4.4 Surface Tension3.4.5 Conductivity of the Solution Tissue engineering involves seeding of cells on bio-mimicked scaffolds providing adhesive surfaces. Researchers though face a range of problems in generating tissue which can be circumvented by employing nanotechnology. It provides substrates for cell adhesion and proliferation and agents for cell growth and can be used to create nanostructures and nanoparticles to aid the engineering of different types of tissue. Written by renowned scientists from academia and industry, this book covers the recent developments, trends and innovations in the application of nanotechnologies in tissue engineerMicro & nano technologies.Tissue engineeringNanotechnologyTissue engineering.Nanotechnology.610.28Thomas SabuGrohens YvesNinan NeethuMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910813257303321Nanotechnology applications for tissue engineering3924778UNINA