04193oam 2200697I 450 991081230270332120230929162334.09780203384763 (e-book)9780415540537 (hbk.)9780415540544 (pbk.)1-135-94589-61-283-97297-20-203-38476-81-135-94582-910.4324/9780203384763(CKB)2670000000325602(EBL)1114696(OCoLC)827208916(SSID)ssj0000822309(PQKBManifestationID)11497012(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000822309(PQKBWorkID)10756742(PQKB)11684870(MiAaPQ)EBC1114696(Au-PeEL)EBL1114696(CaPaEBR)ebr10650306(CaONFJC)MIL428547(OCoLC)826869162(FINmELB)ELB132926(EXLCZ)99267000000032560220180706d2013 uy 0engur|n|nnn|||||Of planting and planning the making of British colonial cities /Robert Home2nd ed.New York :Routledge,2013.1 online resource (viii, 260 p.) illPlanning, history and environment seriesFirst published by 1997 by Spon.0-415-54054-2 0-415-54053-4 Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface to the first edition -- Preface to the second edition -- Glossary -- Year of independence and population of the main British colonies -- Introduction : the chief exporter of municipalities -- 1. The "Grand modell" of colonial settlement -- 2. "Planting is my trade" : the shapers of colonial urban landscapes -- 3. Port cities of the British empire : "a global thalassocracy" -- 4. The "warehousing" of the labouring classes -- 5. "The inconvenience felt by Europeans" : racial segregation, its rise and fall -- 6. "Miracle-worker to the people" : the idea of town planning, 1910-1935 -- 7. "This novel legislation" : institutionalizing town planning, 1900-1950 -- 8. "What kind of country do you want?" : the transition to independence -- Conclusions: the legacy of colonial town planning -- References -- Index.‘At the centre of the world-economy, one always finds an exceptional state, strong, aggressive and privileged, dynamic, simultaneously feared and admired.’ - Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th–18th Centuries. This, surely, is an apt description of the British Empire at its zenith. Of Planting and Planning explores how Britain used the formation of towns and cities as an instrument of colonial expansion and control throughout the Empire. Beginning with the seventeenth-century plantation of Ulster and ending with decolonization after the Second World War, Robert Home reveals how the British Empire gave rise to many of the biggest cities in the world and how colonial policy and planning had a profound impact on the form and functioning of those cities. This second edition retains the thematic, chronological and interdisciplinary approach of the first, each chapter identifying a key element of colonial town planning. New material and illustrations have been added, incorporating the author's further research since the first edition. Most importantly, Of Planting and Planning remains the only book to cover the whole sweep of British colonial urbanism.Planning, history, and the environment seriesCity planningGreat BritainColoniesHistoryArchitecture, BritishDeveloping countriesVernacular architectureDeveloping countriesGreat BritainColoniesAdministrationCity planningColoniesHistory.Architecture, BritishVernacular architecture307.12160941Home Robert K.887981MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910812302703321Of planting and planning4112987UNINA