03155oam 2200661I 450 991081220700332120240405065532.01-134-89407-41-134-89408-21-280-32545-30-203-20099-310.4324/9780203200995 (CKB)1000000000247969(EBL)180013(OCoLC)437082549(SSID)ssj0000107159(PQKBManifestationID)11131587(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000107159(PQKBWorkID)10006124(PQKB)10536970(MiAaPQ)EBC180013(Au-PeEL)EBL180013(CaPaEBR)ebr10060579(CaONFJC)MIL32545(OCoLC)50544748(EXLCZ)99100000000024796920180331d1992 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAtlantic American societies from Columbus through abolition, 1492-1888 /edited by Alan L. Karras and J.R. McNeill1st ed.London ;New York :Routledge,1992.1 online resource (287 p.)Rewriting HistoriesDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-08073-8 0-415-08072-X Includes bibliographical references (p. 270-274).Book Cover; Title; Contents; Editor's preface; Acknowledgments; THE ATLANTIC WORLD AS A UNIT OF STUDY Alan L.Karras; ILLS Alfred W.Crosby; TRAGEDY AND SACRIFICE IN THE HISTORY OF SLAVERY Patrick Manning; THE LABOR PROBLEM AT JAMESTOWN Edmund Morgan; THE COSMIC ORDER IN CRISIS Nancy M.Farriss; SLAVE RESISTANCE IN COLONIAL SOUTH CAROLINA Peter Wood; PORTS OF COLONIAL BRAZIL A.J.R.Russell-Wood; THE FUR TRADE AND EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY IMPERIALISM W.J.Eccles; THE END OF THE OLD ATLANTIC WORLD: AMERICA, AFRICA, EUROPE, 1770 1888 J.R.McNeill; Glossary; Select bibliographyWithin the chronological framework of Implantation, Maturation and Transition, this book provides the history of European expansion in the Americas from the age of Columbus through the abolition of slavery. Suggesting a shift in the traditional units of analysis away from nationally defined boundaries, this volume considers all of the Americas - and Africa - to encourage students to see the larger interimperial issues which governed behaviour in both the new world and the old. It also provides students with a mechanism for viewing interimperial rivalries from the largest possible perspective, Rewriting HistoriesAmericaHistoryTo 1810AmericaSocial conditionsAmericaCivilizationEuropean influencesAmericaCivilizationAfrican influencesAmericaHistory1810-970Karras Alan L1617673McNeill John Robert281411FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910812207003321Atlantic American societies4000149UNINA