03201nam 2200649Ia 450 991081202090332120230721005519.01-135-17438-51-282-37283-197866123728340-203-09281-3(CKB)2550000000001930(EBL)448333(OCoLC)742296292(SSID)ssj0000343037(PQKBManifestationID)11304600(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000343037(PQKBWorkID)10288339(PQKB)10962999(MiAaPQ)EBC448333(Au-PeEL)EBL448333(CaPaEBR)ebr10346784(CaONFJC)MIL602160(EXLCZ)99255000000000193020100205e20091958 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrSocialism and Saint-Simon[electronic resource] /Emile Durkheim ; edited with an introd. by Alvin W. Gouldner ; translated by Charlotte Sattler from the ed. originally edited with an introd. by Marcel MaussLondon Routledge & K. Paul2009, c19581 online resource (362 p.)International library of sociology and social reconstructionDescription based upon print version of record.0-415-56791-2 0-415-56288-0 ""Cover""; ""Title""; ""Copyright""; ""Original Title""; ""Original Copyright""; ""Introduction""; ""Contents""; ""Introduction to the First Edition""; ""I Definition of Socialism""; ""II Socialism and Communism""; ""III Socialism in the Eighteenth Century""; ""IV Sismondi""; ""V The Life and Work of Saint-Simon""; ""VI The Doctrine of Saint-Simon: The Foundation of Positivism""; ""VII Historic Origins of the Industrial System and the Doctrine of Saint-Simon""; ""VIII The Organization of the Industrial System""; ""IX Internationalism and Religion""; ""X Saint-Simonâ€?Critical Conclusions""""XI The Saint-Simon School""""XII Conclusions""<P>Durkheim's study of socialism, first published in English in 1959, is a document of exceptional intellectual interest and a genuine milestone in the history of sociological theory. It presents us with the sociological theories of a truly first-rate thinker and his extensive commentary upon another key figure in the history of sociological thought, Henri Saint-Simon. The core of this volume contains Durkheim's presentation of Saint-Simon's ideas, their sources and their development.</P>International library of sociology and social reconstruction (Routledge & Kegan Paul)SocialismSaint-SimonianismSocialism.Saint-Simonianism.301Durkheim Émile1858-1917.422265Gouldner Alvin Ward1920-120612Sattler Charlotte1643713Mauss Marcel1872-1950.122275MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910812020903321Socialism and Saint-Simon3989147UNINA