08160nam 2201957 450 991081191130332120230607210523.00-691-08814-41-4008-6521-210.1515/9781400865215(CKB)3710000000222326(EBL)1756205(OCoLC)888349116(SSID)ssj0001378330(PQKBManifestationID)11916322(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001378330(PQKBWorkID)11340573(PQKB)10981124(MiAaPQ)EBC1756205(DE-B1597)447949(OCoLC)1013940726(OCoLC)1029827356(OCoLC)1032692204(OCoLC)1037979603(OCoLC)1041992869(OCoLC)1046619115(OCoLC)1046922546(OCoLC)1047010458(OCoLC)979954522(DE-B1597)9781400865215(Au-PeEL)EBL1756205(CaPaEBR)ebr10910145(CaONFJC)MIL637579(EXLCZ)99371000000022232620140829h20012001 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtccrSurveys on surgery theoryVolume 2 papers dedicated to C.T.C. Wall /edited by Sylvain Cappell, Andrew Ranicki, and Jonathan RosenbergPrinceton, New Jersey ;Oxfordshire, England :Princeton University Press,2001.©20011 online resource (446 p.)Annals of Mathematics Studies ;Number 149Description based upon print version of record.1-322-06328-1 0-691-08815-2 Includes bibliographical references.Front matter --Contents --Preface /Cappell, Sylvain / Ranicki, Andrew / Rosenberg, Jonathan --Surgery theory today - what it is and where it's going /Rosenberg, Jonathan --Reflections on C. T. C. Wall's work on cobordism /Rosenberg, Jonathan --A survey of Wall's finiteness obstruction /Ferry, Steve / Ranicki, Andrew --An introduction to algebraic surgery /Ranicki, Andrew --Automorphisms of manifolds /Weiss, Michael / Williams, Bruce --Spaces of smooth embeddings, disjunction and surgery /Goodwillie, Thomas G. / Klein, John R. / Weiss, Michael S. --Surgery theoretic methods in group actions /Cappell, Sylvain / Weinbergert, Shmuel --Surgery and stratified spaces /Hughes, Bruce / Weinberger, Shmuel --Metrics of positive scalar curvature and connections with surgery /Rosenberg, Jonathan / Stolz, Stephan --A survey of 4-manifolds through the eyes of surgery /Kirby, Robion C. / Taylor, Laurence R. --Problems in 4-dimensional topology /Quinn, FrankSurgery theory, the basis for the classification theory of manifolds, is now about forty years old. The sixtieth birthday (on December 14, 1996) of C.T.C. Wall, a leading member of the subject's founding generation, led the editors of this volume to reflect on the extraordinary accomplishments of surgery theory as well as its current enormously varied interactions with algebra, analysis, and geometry. Workers in many of these areas have often lamented the lack of a single source surveying surgery theory and its applications. Because no one person could write such a survey, the editors asked a variety of experts to report on the areas of current interest. This is the second of two volumes resulting from that collective effort. It will be useful to topologists, to other interested researchers, and to advanced students. The topics covered include current applications of surgery, Wall's finiteness obstruction, algebraic surgery, automorphisms and embeddings of manifolds, surgery theoretic methods for the study of group actions and stratified spaces, metrics of positive scalar curvature, and surgery in dimension four. In addition to the editors, the contributors are S. Ferry, M. Weiss, B. Williams, T. Goodwillie, J. Klein, S. Weinberger, B. Hughes, S. Stolz, R. Kirby, L. Taylor, and F. Quinn.Annals of mathematics studies ;Number 149.Surgery (Topology)Algebraic topology (object).Algebraic topology.Ambient isotopy.Assembly map.Atiyah–Hirzebruch spectral sequence.Atiyah–Singer index theorem.Automorphism.Banach algebra.Borsuk–Ulam theorem.C*-algebra.CW complex.Calculation.Category of manifolds.Characterization (mathematics).Chern class.Cobordism.Codimension.Cohomology.Compactification (mathematics).Conjecture.Contact geometry.Degeneracy (mathematics).Diagram (category theory).Diffeomorphism.Differentiable manifold.Differential geometry.Dirac operator.Disk (mathematics).Donaldson theory.Duality (mathematics).Embedding.Epimorphism.Excision theorem.Exponential map (Riemannian geometry).Fiber bundle.Fibration.Fundamental group.Group action.Group homomorphism.H-cobordism.Handle decomposition.Handlebody.Homeomorphism group.Homeomorphism.Homology (mathematics).Homomorphism.Homotopy extension property.Homotopy fiber.Homotopy group.Homotopy.Hypersurface.Intersection form (4-manifold).Intersection homology.Isomorphism class.K3 surface.L-theory.Limit (category theory).Manifold.Mapping cone (homological algebra).Mapping cylinder.Mostow rigidity theorem.Orthonormal basis.Parallelizable manifold.Poincaré conjecture.Product metric.Projection (linear algebra).Pushout (category theory).Quaternionic projective space.Quotient space (topology).Resolution of singularities.Ricci curvature.Riemann surface.Riemannian geometry.Riemannian manifold.Ring homomorphism.Scalar curvature.Semisimple algebra.Sheaf (mathematics).Sign (mathematics).Special case.Sub"ient.Subgroup.Submanifold.Support (mathematics).Surgery exact sequence.Surgery obstruction.Surgery theory.Symplectic geometry.Symplectic vector space.Theorem.Topological conjugacy.Topological manifold.Topology.Transversality (mathematics).Transversality theorem.Vector bundle.Waldhausen category.Whitehead torsion.Whitney embedding theorem.Yamabe invariant.Surgery (Topology)514.72SI 830BSZrvkCappell SylvainRanicki AndrewRosenberg JonathanMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910811911303321Surveys on surgery theory377364UNINA