03222nam 2200721 450 991081159400332120210311111955.01-350-22139-21-78032-117-11-283-07098-797866130709821-84813-528-910.5040/9781350221390(CKB)2560000000073152(EBL)688551(OCoLC)721195075(SSID)ssj0000539144(PQKBManifestationID)12216345(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000539144(PQKBWorkID)10569455(PQKB)10371476(MiAaPQ)EBC688551(Au-PeEL)EBL688551(CaPaEBR)ebr10464769(CaONFJC)MIL307098(OCoLC)729253202(CaBNVSL)9781350221390(EXLCZ)99256000000007315220210311e20212021 uy 0engurcn|||||||||txtccrMilitias and the challenges of post-conflict peace[electronic resource] silencing the guns /Chris Alden, Monika Thakur and Matthew ArnoldLondon, England :Zed Books,©2011.[London, England] :Bloomsbury Publishing,20211 online resource (206 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-84813-527-0 1-84813-526-2 Includes bibliographical references (pages 163-183) and index.About the authors; Acknowledgements; Acronyms; Preface; 1 -- Introducing militias and demilitarization; 2 -- Conceptualizing militias: a framework for analysis; 3 -- The South Sudan Defence Force; 4 -- The White Army militias of South Sudan; 5 -- The mutineers of Timor-Leste; 6 -- Militias in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo; 7 -- Afghanistan's long and ongoing experience with militias; Conclusion: militias and the search for local security; Notes; Bibliography; Index.Bringing together four intensively researched case studies - the Democratic Republic of Congo, Timor-Leste, Afghanistan and Sudan - Militias and the Challenges of Post-Conflict Peace argues that the international community's 'cookie-cutter' approach to demilitarization is ineffective at meeting the myriad of challenges involving militias. In doing so, the authors propose a radical new framework for demilitarization that questions conventional models and takes into account the reality on the ground.Peace-buildingMilitiaInternational relationsbicsscPeace studies & conflict resolutionbicsscPeace-building.Militia.International relationsPeace studies & conflict resolution303.66Alden Chris673888Thakur Monika1655774Arnold Matthew(Political scientist)160852NCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910811594003321Militias and the challenges of post-conflict peace4008292UNINA