03305oam 2200697I 450 991081109530332120240410102427.01-135-60705-21-135-60706-01-282-37537-797866123753781-4106-1555-310.4324/9781410615558 (CKB)1000000000244600(EBL)257307(OCoLC)225272327(SSID)ssj0000138052(PQKBManifestationID)11148251(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000138052(PQKBWorkID)10097121(PQKB)11581325(MiAaPQ)EBC257307(Au-PeEL)EBL257307(CaPaEBR)ebr10120569(CaONFJC)MIL237537(OCoLC)742296528(OCoLC)70709224(EXLCZ)99100000000024460020180706d2005 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrDevelopmental pathways through middle childhood rethinking contexts and diversity as resources /edited by Catherine R. Cooper. [and others]1st ed.Mahwah, N.J. :Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,2005.1 online resource (369 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-138-00406-5 0-8058-5199-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Contents; Foreword: Contextualizing Middle Childhood: Beyond 1984; Acknowledgments; Editors' Introduction; THEME 1 HOW ADULTS AND CHILDREN, THROUGH THEIR PERCEPTIONS AND ACTIONS, CONNECT RESOURCES ACROSS FAMILY, SCHOOL, AND COMMUNITY CONTEXTS; THEME 2 HOW LOW-INCOME FAMILIES AND CHILDREN AND THEIR TEACHERS INTERPRET AND USE CONTEXTS AS RESOURCES FOR CREATING PATHWAYS THROUGH CHILDHOOD; THEME 3 HOW IMMIGRATION AFFECTS CHILDREN'S EMERGING IDENTITIES IN THEIR FAMILY, SCHOOL, AND COMMUNITY CONTEXTS; Epilogue: Mapping Concepts of Contexts, Diversity, and Pathways Across Disciplines; Author IndexSubject IndexWhen can contexts and diversity be resources, rather than risks, for children's developmental pathways? Scholars, policy makers, and practitioners increasingly realize that middle childhood matters as a time when children's pathways diverge, as they meet new and overlapping contexts they must navigate on their way to adolescence and adulthood. This volume shines new light on this important transition by tracing how these contexts -- cultural, economic, historical, political, and social -- can support or undermine children's pathways, and how children's own actions and the actions of those arouChild developmentChildrenSocial conditionsSchool childrenChildren with social disabilitiesChild development.ChildrenSocial conditions.School children.Children with social disabilities.305.231Cooper Catherine R1642905FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910811095303321Developmental pathways through middle childhood3987841UNINA