03381nam 22005055 450 991081108530332120210901165152.00-300-24943-810.12987/9780300249439(CKB)4100000010010286(MiAaPQ)EBC5993954(StDuBDS)EDZ0002256100(DE-B1597)545085(OCoLC)1130903927(DE-B1597)9780300249439(EXLCZ)99410000001001028620200526h20202020 fg engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBoxing Pandora Rethinking Borders, States, and Secession in a Democratic World /Timothy William WatersNew Haven, CT :Yale University Press,[2020]©20201 online resource (303 pages)Yale scholarship onlineAlso issued in print: 2020.0-300-23589-5 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --CONTENTS --Preface: Why Write a Book about Secession? Why Read One? --A Note on Reading This Book --Introduction: The Boxes We Live in, the Beliefs We Have --1. The Failure of a Flourishing Idea: The Decadence of Self-Determination --2. The Map of Our World: The Limits of the Classical System --3. The Measure of Nations: Testing the Assumptions behind the Classical Rule --4. A New Right to Secession --5. People, Territory, Plebiscite: The Main Features—Objections and Answers --6. Broader Implications: Features and Effects of the New Rule --7. The Hardest Part: Creating a Right of Secession --Conclusion: The Value of Asking --Appendix: Scholarly Ferment on a Decadent Topic --Notes --Works Cited and Consulted --Acknowledgments --IndexA timely and provocative challenge to the foundations of our global order: why should national borders be unchangeable? The inviolability of national borders is an unquestioned pillar of the post–World War II international order. Fixed borders are believed to encourage stability, promote pluralism, and discourage nationalism and intolerance. But do they? What if fixed borders create more problems than they solve, and what if permitting borders to change would create more stability and produce more just societies? Legal scholar Timothy Waters examines this possibility, showing how we arrived at a system of rigidly bordered states and how the real danger to peace is not the desire of people to form new states but the capacity of existing states to resist that desire, even with violence. He proposes a practical, democratically legitimate alternative: a right of secession. With crises ongoing in the United Kingdom, Spain, Ukraine, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, and many other regions, this reassessment of the foundations of our international order is more relevant than ever.Yale scholarship online.BoundariesSecessionBoundaries.Secession.320.12Waters Timothy Williamauthttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut1670934DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910811085303321Boxing Pandora4033118UNINA