03266nam 2200697 450 991081066500332120210311111955.01-350-22314-X1-78032-395-61-283-86053-81-78032-394-810.5040/9781350223141(CKB)2550000000709321(EBL)4708275(SSID)ssj0000810979(PQKBManifestationID)12336131(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000810979(PQKBWorkID)10854332(PQKB)11339680(MiAaPQ)EBC1107609(MiAaPQ)EBC4708275(Au-PeEL)EBL1107609(CaPaEBR)ebr10633275(CaONFJC)MIL417303(OCoLC)826652883(OCoLC)1241539645(CaBNVSL)9781350223141(EXLCZ)99255000000070932120210311e20212021 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe future of south-south economic relations /edited by Adil Najam and Rachel ThrasherLondon, England :Zed Books,©2012.[London, England] :Bloomsbury Publishing,20211 online resource (215 p.)Description based upon print version of record.1-78032-392-1 1-78032-393-X Includes bibliographical references and index.1. Latin American economic cooperation: causes and consequences of regime complexity / Laura Gomez-Mera -- 2. African trade and economic integration: longer-range prospects / Eric Kehinde Ogunleye -- 3. Financial crisis and regional economic cooperation in Asia-Pacific / Nagesh Kumar -- 4. Regional trade integration and conflict resolution: an institutional paradigm / Shaheen Rafi Khan -- 5. Developing countries at the WTO in a changing global order / Manuela Trindade Viana -- 6. South-South foreign direct investment flows: wishful thinking or reality? / Mariana Rangel -- 7. Brazil: South-South economic relations and global governance / Alcides Costa Vaz -- 8. South-South trade and the environment / Kathryn Hochstetler -- 9. Latin America and China: trading short-term growth for (China's) long-run prosperity / Kevin P. Gallagher -- 10. Growing economic relations between the GCC and Chindia / Nader Habibi.This groundbreaking volume presents a forward-looking analysis of South-South economic relations, and how they might impact and be impacted by the rest of the world.International economicsbicsscDeveloping countriesForeign economic relationsAsiaForeign economic relationsDeveloping countriesSouth AsiaForeign economic relationsDeveloping countriesIndiaForeign economic relationsDeveloping countriesInternational economics337/.09172483.40bclNajam AdilThrasher RachelNCaBNVSLCaBNVSLBOOK9910810665003321The future of south-south economic relations4027140UNINA