04519nam 2200637 450 991081032620332120220902021803.01-4704-1658-1(CKB)3710000000124449(EBL)3113293(SSID)ssj0001184460(PQKBManifestationID)11786885(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001184460(PQKBWorkID)11196631(PQKB)10980512(MiAaPQ)EBC3113293(RPAM)17919859(PPN)197102573(EXLCZ)99371000000012444920140613h20142014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrAutomorphic forms and related geometry assessing the legecy of I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro : Conference on Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry : April 23-27, 2012, Yale University, New Haven, CT /James W. Cogdell, Freydoon Shahidi, David Soudry, editorsProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,2014.©20141 online resource (454 p.)Contemporary mathematics,1098-3627 ;6140271-4132Description based upon print version of record.0-8218-9394-7 Includes bibliographical references.References -- A -adic integral for the reciprocal of -functions -- 1. Introduction and Motivation -- 2. Mazur's measure and its real analytic interpretation -- 3. Fourier coefficients of classical Eisenstein series -- 4. Proof of \thmref{th1} -- Acknowledgements -- References -- Harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces as complex analysis -- 1. Horospherical reduction of complex symmetric spaces (geometrical picture) -- 2. Horospherical reduction of complex symmetric spaces (analytic construction of intertwining operators) -- 3. Dual horospherical Cauchy transform -- 4. Cauchy formula on complex symmetric spaces -- 5. Horospherical duality for real symmetric spaces. Compact spaces -- 6. Horospherical duality for complex crowns of symmetric spaces -- 7. Tube Stein manifolds on causal symmetric spaces -- References -- Testing rationality of coherent cohomology of Shimura varieties -- Introduction -- 1. Restrictions of discrete series representations and global consequences -- 2. Restrictions of minimal types -- 3. Coherent cohomology of unitary group Shimura varieties -- 4. Gross-Prasad periods as cup products -- Acknowledgements -- 6. The case =3, = =2 -- 7. The case = = =2 -- 8. The case =1 -- 9. Application to holomorphic unitary representations -- References -- Mellin Transform of Whittaker functions -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Proof of the Theorem -- References -- Automorphic Integral Transforms for Classical Groups I: Endoscopy Correspondences -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Arthur Parametrization of Discrete Spectrum -- 3. Endoscopy Structures for Classical Groups -- 4. Fourier Coefficients and Nilpotent Orbits -- 5. Constructions of the Automorphic Kernel Functions -- 6. Automorphic Descents and Automorphic Forms of Simple Type -- An inductive formula for -factors -- On a new functional equation for local integrals -- Paquets stables des séries discrètes accessibles par endoscopie tordue; leur paramètre de Langlands -- On a certain sum of automorphic -functions -- Analytic constructions of -adic -functions and Eisenstein series -- On stability of root numbers -- CAP forms, Eisenstein series, and some arithmetic applications -- Automorphic descent: an outgrowth from Piatetski-Shapiro’s vision -- On the singularities of branch curves of 3 surfaces and applications.Contemporary mathematics (American Mathematical Society).6140271-4132Automorphic formsCongressesL-functionsCongressesForms (Mathematics)CongressesGeometryCongressesAutomorphic formsL-functionsForms (Mathematics)Geometry515/.911FXX22EXX14JXXmscCogdell James W.1953-Shahidi FreydoonSoudry David1956-Automorphic Forms and Related Geometry (Conference)MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910810326203321Automorphic forms and related geometry4036006UNINA