05000oam 22007575 450 991081019110332120200520144314.00-8213-7416-810.1596/978-0-8213-7415-3(CKB)1000000000534552(EBL)459611(OCoLC)317596461(SSID)ssj0000085650(PQKBManifestationID)11120872(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000085650(PQKBWorkID)10011410(PQKB)10886238(MiAaPQ)EBC459611(Au-PeEL)EBL459611(CaPaEBR)ebr10231574(OCoLC)935270555(The World Bank)181517466(The World Bank)ocn181517466(US-djbf)15082783(EXLCZ)99100000000053455220071116d2007 uf 0engurcn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierBreaking the barriers to higher economic growth : better governance and deeper reforms in the Middle East and North Africa /Mustapha Kamel NabliWashington, DC :World Bank,[2007]copyright 2007.xi, 486 pages illustrations ;26 cmDescription based upon print version of record.0-8213-7415-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Growth, reform, and governance. Long-term economic development challenges and prospects for the Arab countries / Mustapha K. Nabli -- Reform complementarities and economic growth in the Middle East and North Africa / Mustapha Kamel Nabli and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis -- After Argentina : was MENA right to be cautious? / Mustapha K. Nabli -- Restarting Arab economic reform / Mustapha K. Nabli -- Democracy for better governance and higher economic growth in the MENA region? / Mustapha K. Nabli and Carlos Silva-Jáuregui -- The political economy of industrial policy in the Middle East and North Africa / Mustapha K. Nabli ... [et al.] -- Labor markets and human capital. The macroeconomics of labor market outcomes in MENA / Jennifer Keller and Mustapha K. Nabli -- Challenges and opportunities for the 21st century / Mustapha Nabli -- Labor market reforms, growth, and unemployment in labor-exporting countries in the Middle East and North Africa / Pierre-Richard Agénor ... [et al.] -- Economic reforms and people mobility for a more effective EU-MED partnership / Ishac Diwan ... [et al.] -- Trade, competitiveness, and investment. Cruise control, shock absorbers, and traffic lights / Mustapha K. Nabli -- Trade, foreign direct investment, and development in the Middle East and North Africa / Farrukh Iqbal and Mustapha Kamel Nabli -- Making trade work for jobs / Dipak Dasgupta ... [et al.] -- Exchange rate management within the Middle East and North Africa Region / Mustapha Nabli, Jennifer Keller, and Marie-Ange Véganzonès -- How does exchange rate policy affect manufactured exports in MENA countries / Mustapha Kamel Nabli and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis -- Public infrastructure and private investment in the Middle East and North Africa / Pierre-Richard Agénor, Mustapha K. Nabli, and Tarik M. Yousef -- Governance, institutions, and private investment / Ahmet Faruk Aysan, Mustapha Kamel Nabli, and Marie-Ange Véganzonès-Varoudakis.The world's attention to the countries of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has often been dominated by headline issues: conflict, sanctions, political turmoil, and rising oil prices. Little of this international attention has considered the broad range of development challenges facing this diverse group of countries. Breaking the Barriers reflects the collected thinking of the World Bank's Office of the Chief Economist for the MENA Region on the long-term development challenges facing the region and the reform priorities and strategies for effectively meeting these challenges.World Bank e-Library.Economic developmentPolitical aspectsMiddle EastEconomic developmentPolitical aspectsAfrica, NorthMacroeconomicsMiddle EastEconomic conditionsAfrica, NorthEconomic conditionsMiddle EastEconomic policyAfrica, NorthEconomic policyEconomic developmentPolitical aspectsEconomic developmentPolitical aspectsMacroeconomics.338.956Nabli Mustapha K122537DLCDLCBTCTABAKERYDXCPC#PCDXBWXDLCBOOK9910810191103321Breaking the barriers to higher economic growth3958304UNINA