01017nem0 2200289 450 991016735890332120230616100622.020170406d1930----km y0itay50 baitaITb aa a aabb a1:400000e0460000e0480000n0080000n0060000Rocca Littorio (Gallacaio)Documento cartograficopubblicazione diretta dal Servizio cartografico del Ministero delle Colonierilievi e compilazione Cap. G. Zaccarini1:400000 (E46°-E48°/N8°-N6°)MilanoDe Agostini19301 cartacolor.57 x 57 cm su foglio 70 x 63 cmCarta della Somaliafoglio 7SomaliaCarteItalia.Ministero delle colonie296499ITUNINARICAUNIMARCMP9910167358903321MP UB Exe 023(07)Ist. 6518ILFGEILFGERocca Littorio (Gallacaio)1467964UNINA02649 am 2200481 n 450 991049590420332120240104030706.02-7535-4942-710.4000/books.pur.25847(CKB)4340000000013259(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-25847(PPN)198367821(EXLCZ)99434000000001325920160622j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||S’adapter à la merL’homme, la mer et le littoral du Moyen Âge à nos joursFrédérique Laget, Alexis VrignonRennesPresses universitaires de Rennes20151 online resource (119 p.) 2-7535-3385-7 L'homme doit-il s'adapter à la mer ? Et si oui, pourquoi ? Comment ? Autant de questions que des catastrophes naturelles comme la tempête Xynthia de février 2010 ramènent brutalement à la conscience collective de nos sociétés contemporaines. Dans une perspective d'histoire environnementale, les sept contributions du présent volume tentent de retracer les contours des relations entre l'homme et la mer depuis le Moyen Âge, dans des lieux et à des époques variés. L'impact de l'homme sur le milieu littoral et maritime, les enjeux culturels de sa relation à ces espaces ainsi que les implications politiques de ces enjeux constituent l'essentiel des champs d'investigation ici explorés. En étudiant les modalités de l'adaptation humaine à la mer et de la lutte contre les éléments que cette adaptation suggère, mais aussi l'usage et la conscience progressive des ressources maritimes et les conflits qu'ils peuvent entraîner, les auteurs nous mènent des plages californiennes du xxe siècle ou du Marais poitevin médiéval aux littoraux provençaux du xviiie siècle, des côtes charentaises au port du Havre, posant à chaque fois la même question : « Que faire de la mer ? »Historyécologie humainehistoirelittoral européenenvironnementHistoryécologie humainehistoirelittoral européenenvironnementBouëdec Gérard Le1282363Devienne Elsa1327067dez Morgan Le1454209Laget Frédérique1293552Sarrazin Jean-Luc1281961Sauzeau Thierry1294663Vrignon Alexis1296014FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495904203321S’adapter à la mer3656849UNINA03988nam 22008533a 450 991036774960332120250203235432.09783039216796303921679110.3390/books978-3-03921-679-6(CKB)4100000010106221(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/48392(ScCtBLL)6bb03d35-d2cc-4a08-a1e3-8dc62b452c68(OCoLC)1163815271(EXLCZ)99410000001010622120250203i20192019 uu engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGenetic Determinants of Human LongevitySerena Dato, Mette Sørensen, Giuseppina RoseBasel, Switzerland :MDPI,2019.1 electronic resource (118 p.)9783039216789 3039216783 In the last two decades, due to the continuous increase of lifespans in Westernsocieties, and the consequent growing of the elderly population, have witnessedan increase in the number of studies on biological and molecular factors able topromote healthy aging and reach longevity. The study of the genetic componentof human longevity demonstrated that it accounts for 25% of intra populationphenotype variance. The efforts made to characterize the genetic determinantssuggested that the maintenance of cellular integrity, inflammation, oxidativestress response, DNA repair, as well as the use of nutrients, represent the mostimportant pathways correlated with a longer lifespan. However, although aplethora of variants were indicated to be associated with human longevity, onlyvery few were successfully replicated in different populations, probably becauseof population specificity, missing heritability as well as a complex interactionamong genetic factors with lifestyle and cultural factors, which modulate theindividual chance of living longer. Thus, many challenges remain to be addressedin the search for the genetic components of human longevity. This Special Issue isaimed to unify the progress in the analysis of the genetic determinants of humanlongevity, to take stock of the situation and point to future directions of the field.We invite submissions for reviews, research articles, short-communicationsdealing with genetic association studies in human longevity, including all types ofgenetic variation, as well as the characterization of longevity-related genes.unknown zygosityexceptional longevityTERCxenobiotic-metabolizing enzymeslifespangender-specific associationlong-liverspolymorphismcumulative incidence curvescardiovascular healthtwinsgenetic determinants of human longevityTERTSNPmoonlighting proteinlongevitygenomicsAPOEpolygenic risk scoresignal transductionxenobioticssurvivalIPMKgenetic variationgenetic association studymolecular senescencezygositylongevity-related genesage-stratificationlipid profilemortalityapolipoprotein Eagingmodel systemsleukocyte telomere lengthinositol phosphateshuman lifespanpopulationsDato Serena1788357Sørensen MetteRose GiuseppinaScCtBLLScCtBLLBOOK9910367749603321Genetic Determinants of Human Longevity4323174UNINA