04312nam 2200469 450 991080987590332120230810001429.01-61537-111-7(CKB)3710000000956874(MiAaPQ)EBC5108622(EXLCZ)99371000000095687420160627h20172017 uy| 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierBecoming mindful integrating mindfulness into your psychiatric practice /edited by Erin Zerbo, M.D. [and three others]First edition.Arlington, Virginia :American Psychiatric Association Publishing,[2017]©20171 online resource (212 pages) illustrations1-61537-075-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.What is mindfulness? / Kacy Richmond, Erin Zerbo, Petros Levounis -- The science behind the practice / Joseph Loizzo -- The practice of mindfulness / Kayleigh Pleas, Cory Muscara -- Practice what you preach : the mindful clinician / Rebecca Hedrick, Andrea Brandon, Seema Desai -- Incorporating mindfulness inside and outside of sessions / Jonathan Kaplan, Doris Chang -- Mindfulness as an intervention in the treatment of psychopathology / Sarah Zoogman, Elizabeth Foskolos, Eleni Vousoura -- Finding wellness through mindfulness and meditation : the growing fields of positive psychology and psychiatry / Cory Muscara, Abigail Mengers, Alan Schlechter -- Promoting mindfulness in children and adolescents / Mari Kurahashi -- Mindfulness and addiction / Allison Ungar, Oscar Bukstein -- Mindful eating / Kerry Wangen -- Mindfulness and technology / Matthew Diamond, Patricia Zheng, Sarah Zoogman.According to a 2012 National Institutes of Health survey, 18 million adults in the United States -- 8% of the adult population -- practice some type of meditation. What are the possible applications of meditation -- and mindfulness in particular -- in psychotherapy and psychiatry? Becoming Mindful: Integrating Mindfulness Into Your Psychiatric Practice tackles this issue in a down-to-earth manner designed for immediate applicability. Whereas most other books on the topic focus on the benefits of mindfulness either for the clinician or for the patient, Becoming Mindful offers chapters on both, providing advice on how clinicians can establish a personal mindfulness practice and encourage their patients to do the same, both during sessions and at home. For clinician and patient alike, the handbook discusses the practical aspects of mindfulness, from the most effective postures to specific practices, and offers solutions for overcoming common obstacles, including restlessness and boredom, sleepiness, and sensory craving. Several chapters feature embedded exercises and guided meditations, and an appendix with audio guided meditations and a resource list provides psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric residents, social workers, counselors, and nurse practitioners, among others, with readily accessible tools to use in sessions with patients. Key takeaways summarize each chapter's content, making it easy for busy clinicians to quickly reference the information they need to most effectively treat patients, even those in special populations, including children and adolescents; patients battling substance addiction; and patients suffering from such disorders as depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. With additional sections on mindful eating, mindfulness and technology, and the growing field of positive psychiatry, this book introduces readers to the full scope of benefits that mindfulness has to offer.Mindfulness (Psychology)Self-care, HealthMental illnessTreatmentMindfulness (Psychology)Self-care, Health.Mental illnessTreatment.616.89Zerbo Erin1981-American Psychiatric Association Publishing,MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910809875903321Becoming mindful3987739UNINA