03909nam 2200697Ia 450 991080951550332120240418132026.01-281-12546-697866111254620-226-14400-310.7208/9780226144009(CKB)1000000000411228(EBL)408589(OCoLC)476229779(SSID)ssj0000251800(PQKBManifestationID)11206770(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000251800(PQKBWorkID)10175753(PQKB)11556014(StDuBDS)EDZ0000119067(MiAaPQ)EBC408589(DE-B1597)524364(OCoLC)1055416647(DE-B1597)9780226144009(Au-PeEL)EBL408589(CaPaEBR)ebr10210003(CaONFJC)MIL112546(EXLCZ)99100000000041122820021114d2003 uy 1engurun#---|u||utxtccrThe story of Sapho[electronic resource] /Madeleine de Scudéry ; translated and with an introduction by Karen Newman1st ed.Chicago University of Chicago Press20031 online resource (189 p.)The other voice in early modern EuropeDescription based upon print version of record.0-226-14399-6 0-226-14398-8 Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-155).Front matter --CONTENTS --Acknowledgments --Series Editors' Introduction --Volume Editor's Introduction --The Story of Sapho --The Twentieth Harangue from Les femmes illustres; ou, Les harangues héröıques --Volume Editor's Bibliography --Series Editors' BibliographyRidiculed for her Saturday salon, her long romance novels, and her protofeminist ideas, Madeleine de Scudéry (1607-1701) has not been treated kindly by the literary establishment. Yet her multivolume novels were popular bestsellers in her time, translated almost immediately into English, German, Italian, Spanish, and even Arabic. The Story of Sapho makes available for the first time in modern English a self-contained section from Scudéry's novel Artamène ou le Grand Cyrus, best known today as the favored reading material of the would-be salonnières that Molière satirized in Les précieuses ridicules. The Story tells of Sapho, a woman writer modeled on the Greek Sappho, who deems marriage slavery. Interspersed in the love story of Sapho and Phaon are a series of conversations like those that took place in Scudéry's own salon in which Sapho and her circle discuss the nature of love, the education of women, writing, and right conduct. This edition also includes a translation of an oration, or harangue, of Scudéry's in which Sapho extols the talents and abilities of women in order to persuade them to write.Other voice in early modern Europe.French literature17th centuryTranslations into EnglishWomenFranceSocial conditions17th centuryFictionromance, feminism, france, women writers, female authors, artamene ou le grand cyrus, marriage, gender, salon, novel, literature, love, sexuality, freedom, liberty, slavery, womens roles, education, writing, conduct, choice, artist, harangue, feminist theory, translation, archive, recovered text, canon, les femmes illustres, talent, ability, virtue.French literatureWomenSocial conditions843/.7Scudéry Madeleine de1607-1701.403267Newman Karen1949-1608233MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910809515503321The story of Sapho4098788UNINA