04866oam 2200697Mn 450 991080859300332120230810000117.01-134-95567-71-134-95568-50-429-22924-01-280-11082-10-203-28536-00-203-16906-9(CKB)1000000000254934(EBL)3060368(SSID)ssj0000281514(PQKBManifestationID)11206313(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000281514(PQKBWorkID)10307819(PQKB)11304563(MiAaPQ)EBC3060368(Au-PeEL)EBL3060368(CaPaEBR)ebr10094925(CaONFJC)MIL11082(OCoLC)697709000(OCoLC)1080584864(OCoLC-P)1080584864(FlBoTFG)9780429229244(EXLCZ)99100000000025493420190103d2017 uy 0engur|n|||||||||txtccrThe living economy a new economics in the making /edited by Paul Ekins[London ] Routledge20171 online resource (418 p.)Collection of papers from The Other Economic Summit (TOES).1-138-41881-1 0-415-03937-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.""BOOK COVER""; ""HALF-TITLE""; ""TITLE""; ""COPYRIGHT""; ""DEDICATION""; ""CONTENTS""; ""FIGURES AND TABLES""; ""FOREWORD""; ""PREFACE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS""; ""INTRODUCTION""; ""PART ONE The need for a new economics""; ""PART TWO Putting people first""; ""1 A FRAMEWORK FOR THE FUTURE""; ""�HUMAN-SCALE ECONOMICS: THE CHALLENGES AHEAD�""; ""Basic ideas, hypotheses and intuitions""; ""(a) Micro-macro articulation""; ""(b) The invisible sector""; ""(c) The concept of human needs""; ""(d) The concept of poverty""; ""(e) Critical systems size""; ""(f) The aim of self-reliance""""(g) Ecological constraints""""(h) The question of indicators""; ""NOTES""; ""2 A QUESTION OF NEEDS""; ""�NEEDS AND COMMODITIES�""; ""VALUES, GOALS AND MOTIVATIONS""; ""Self-Explorers""; ""Social Resisters ""; ""Experimentalists""; ""Conspicuous Consumers ""; ""Belongers""; ""Survivors""; ""Aimless""; ""�HUMAN NEED AND STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL CHANGE�""; ""Basic individual and societal needs""; ""Optimising basic need satisfaction and human liberation""; ""Social and ecological conditions for human liberation""; ""NOTES""; ""3 THE NATURE OF WORK""""�WHAT COMES AFTER FULL EMPLOYMENT?�""""Introduction""; ""Three possible futures for work""; ""A new policy approach""; ""Some attributes of work: a review""; ""Work as a dependent activity""; ""Work as activity under remote control""; ""Work as specialised activity""; ""Work as instrumental activity""; ""Work as formal activity""; ""Work as masculine activity""; ""Work as exclusive activity""; ""The implications for economics""; ""NOTES""; ""4 IN SEARCH OF SELF-RELIANCE""; ""�TOWARDS A NEW ECONOMICS: ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SELF-RELIANCE�""""On the economics of self-reliance""""On the economics of global interdependence""; ""Self-reliance and global interdependence: a balance sheet""; ""NOTES""; ""5 HEALTH is WEALTH""; ""�THE MISMATCH BETWEEN HEALTH AND ECONOMICS�""; ""Health and economic growth""; ""Health as an economic minus""; ""Sickness as an economic plus""; ""Limits to conventional health policies""; ""The economic/social divide""; ""Health, lifestyles and living conditions""; ""Third World""; ""Health needs, human needs""; ""Secure work and a useful role in society""; ""Dependency/self-reliance""""�DEMEDICALIZATION AND POSSIBILITIES FOR HEALTH�""""NOTES""; ""6 INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC PROGRESS""; ""RESOURCE ACCOUNTING""; ""�FROM GROSS TO ADJUSTED NATIONAL PRODUCT�""; ""The concept and classification of defensive expenditures""; ""The move from Gross National Product to Adjusted National Product""; ""�HEALTH-BASED INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC PROGRESS�""; ""Infant mortality rate""; ""Life expectancy""; ""Health expectancy""; ""Coherence""; ""�SOCIAL INDICATORS FOR POPULAR PLANNING�""; ""Background""; ""The social indicator movement""""From social indicators to a satisfaction index?""Economic developmentEconomicsEconomic development.Economics.330Ekins Paul124778Other Economic Summit (Organization)OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910808593003321The living economy4063068UNINA