03175nam 2200613 a 450 991080820110332120161219111533.01-4522-4506-11-4522-7498-3(CKB)2670000000339028(EBL)1159827(OCoLC)833764361(SSID)ssj0000787458(PQKBManifestationID)12348091(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000787458(PQKBWorkID)10813962(PQKB)10426125(MiAaPQ)EBC1159827(OCoLC)841479444(StDuBDS)EDZ0000104754(EXLCZ)99267000000033902820121017d2009 fy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrPreventing and reducing juvenile delinquency[electronic resource] a comprehensive framework /James C. Howell2nd ed.Thousand Oaks, Calif. ;London SAGEc20091 online resource (xviii, 377 p.) illDescription based upon print version of record.1-322-42188-9 1-4129-5638-2 Includes bibliographical references (p. 339-367) and index.Title Page; Contents; Preface; Part I: The Historical Context of Current Juvenile Justice System Policies and Practices; Chapter 1: Superpredators and Other Myths About Juvenile Delinquency; Chapter 2: Moral Panic Over Juvenile Delinquency; Chapter 3: Juvenile Delinquency Trends; Part II: The Research Base on Juvenile Offenders and Gangs; Chapter 4: A Theory of Juvenile Delinquency and Gang Involvement; Chapter 5: Juvenile Offender Cases; Chapter 6: Youth Gangs; Chapter 7: Effective Programs for Preventing and Reducing Youth Gang ProblemsPart III: Programmatic and Policy Responses to Juvenile DelinquencyChapter 8: Principles and Characteristics of Best Practice Programs; Chapter 9: Effective Prevention and Rehabilitation Programs; Chapter 10: The Comprehensive Strategy Framework: An Illustration; Chapter 11: What Doesn't Work in Preventing and Reducing Juvenile Delinquency; Chapter 12: Transfer of Juveniles to to the Criminal Justice System; Concluding Observations; Appendix; Credits and Sources; Glossary; References; Index; About the AuthorThis book informs readers about the latest research and the most promising and effective programmes for understanding, preventing and controlling juvenile delinquency.Juvenile delinquencyUnited StatesPreventionYouth and violenceUnited StatesViolent crimesUnited StatesPreventionJuvenile delinquentsRehabilitationUnited StatesJuvenile delinquencyPrevention.Youth and violenceViolent crimesPrevention.Juvenile delinquentsRehabilitation364.36Howell James C85682StDuBDSStDuBDSBOOK9910808201103321Preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency3961649UNINA