02773nam 2200625 a 450 991080766180332120230817143504.00-8132-1191-3(CKB)1000000000442201(EBL)3134872(OCoLC)922996761(SSID)ssj0000866058(PQKBManifestationID)11461356(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000866058(PQKBWorkID)10857600(PQKB)10147310(OCoLC)606368705(MdBmJHUP)muse24098(Au-PeEL)EBL3134872(CaPaEBR)ebr10382824(MiAaPQ)EBC3134872(EXLCZ)99100000000044220119940209h19941994 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierSelected prose works /St. Ephrem the Syrian ; translated by Edward G. Mathews, Jr. and Joseph P. Amar ; edited by Kathleen McVeyWashington, D.C. :Catholic University of America Press,1994.©19941 online resource (393 pages)The Fathers of the church ;v. 91Description based upon print version of record.0-8132-1421-1 0-8132-0091-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. xv-xxx) and indexes.Commentary on Genesis -- Commentary on Exodus -- Homily on our Lord -- Letter to Publius.This volume presents for the first time in the Fathers of the Church series the work of an early Christian writer who did not write in either Greek or Latin. It is the first of two volumes that will offer new English translations of selected prose works by St. Ephrem the Syrian (c. A.D. 309-373). This first volume contains St. Ephrem's Commentary on Genesis, Commentary on Exodus, Homily on Our Lord, and Letter to Publius. The translators have enhanced the volume with a general introduction, extensive bibliography, and specific introductions to each of the works. Together these features provide an overview of the major scholarship on St. Ephrem and Syriac Christianity.Fathers of the church ;91.Spiritual lifeChristianityEarly works to 1800Spiritual lifeChristianity270 s270.2EphraemSyrus, Saint,303-373.330720Mathews Edward G.Jr.,1954-1622942Amar Joseph P.1946-1590496McVey Kathleen E.1944-1622943MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910807661803321Selected prose works3957062UNINA